
Consensus is to start with 0, and then you can move to Kiwami, which is a remake of Yakuza 1

Calling a localization lazy isn’t necessarily calling the people doing it lazy, but considering the issues the translation had, and the fact that they had to redo a bunch of the translation after release, I think “lazy” is entirely appropriate.

1) Previous games dodged this issue by just not letting you do solo quests multiplayer. You couldn’t multiplayer the story quests, those were solo only. Doesn’t mean the way they did it in World is good though.

This is the first game I played on PS4 that had multiplayer so I wasn’t super sure if my issues were because I wasn’t used to how PS4 did multiplayer or if it was how MH did multiplayer but guess it ended up being MH haha. But, I did get pretty lucky, I play with some friends and that coupled with my knowledge of how

Ugh thank you for the High Sierra one, I usually install other updates but never really felt the need to update to High Sierra and it was so annoying that you couldn’t just dismiss the notification but had to let it open the App Store

I believe SOS are for ANYONE, not just people in your session. I’m not sure what is and isn’t working on XBox but if SOS isn’t working you could just join other online sessions and naturally quest with other people that way

As a sports fan it’s actually pretty damn good, letting you DVR games. I watch CFB and hockey and it was awesome having a bunch of the regional channels that those sports tend to require. I used Sling back in the day and PSVue for a bit, and while I dunno how those apps are these days, I liked how easy it was to use

Again, that’s still a really bad point: the gameplay is nothing like JRPGs. You’re right, a lot of JRPGs have padding that just require you to grind, but in those games, the grinding is boring. You’re just spamming quick battles over and over again to get XP, the battles are easy, and the battle system is whatever.

I dunno about impressive, but most surprising is definitely XC2 selling over a million copies in a month.

I haven’t finished S2 and S3 (I think I’m 2 episodes into S2?) but I don’t really get the HATE for S1. I can always understand people disliking something, but people HATED S1. I liked it a lot but it’s not my favorite season of TV or anything, but I just don’t know what about it would cause people to react so

The cutscene in the actual quest itself. You accept the quest, travel to the zone, track the monster, and then a cutscene will play with your character and the monster. Once THAT cutscene plays, you can play that quest multiplayer: either sending out an SOS, or abandoning the quest and posting it again, but this time

I mean the gameplay is nothing like most JRPGs so that’s a really bad way of thinking about it.

I would say these boss fights are unlike boss fights in a lot of other games: they stay pretty tense and exciting throughout the fight even if they can take 10-30 minutes. But if you really aren’t super enthused about fighting a single monster for that long, then this might not be for you

The enrage timers are lenient enough that they really include enough time for near wipes and recoveries. Plenty of fights have a repeating final phase so that if you mess it up the first time and don’t clear it in the first repeat, you just repeat that phase until you kill it

Also, I wish Divinity: Original Sin 2 was on a console. It sounds so good!

Memorizing something isn’t the same as actually being able to do it. Kind of like how memorizing a song on the piano doesn’t mean you automatically are good at playing that song.

That’s almost never the case in Savage because, as you say, if something goes wrong, the fight’s over.

It’s the type of movie I’ll enjoy every time I rewatch it, but I just didn’t really ever feel the urge to rewatch it haha

There’s parts where you need to group up but you just put yourself in a queue and it’ll find a group for you automatically. Most of the main story is done through solo quests though

Yep! The first Ant-Man was pretty fun but I never really saw the urge to watch it again, and not sure if the 2nd will be the same, but that trailer is damn fun