
While there’s confirmed one new monster coming in Spring, we don’t know exactly what their release schedule. End game consists mostly of grinding the same monsters so you can build the armor and weapons you want to get the best skill set up you want. While that may sound boring, the act of fighting a monster is in and

I’ve been on both sides of that phenomenon, but never in a “you filthy casual” kind of way. Sometimes a new game comes out and you’re super enamored with it and everyone else is super positive about it and a complaint comes up and you’re just like “come on, enjoy the game, that’s a minor issue.” But other times you

I would definitely throw caution to the wind.

The implementation of multiplayer is a bit weird for the game in general, but I know that specifically online multiplayer is having issues right now with just the XBox.

Been playing the Charge Blade since that was the one weapon that actually managed to pull me away from GS, and I partially mained CB in 4U. Also, since it seems that you can’t really get a good level of Focus until HR, that made it easy to skip out on GS for now since I really hate playing GS without Focus

What menus specifically are you looking at? I guess I have a different perspective since I’ve been playing MH for over 10 years, but it still seems pretty quick to start the game then start fighting a monster. Well, if you’re a new player you’ll probably have to go do the weapons tutorials, but beyond that it should

I will say that at least at the Walmarts near me, ALL beauty products are locked behind glass and everyone has to wait for an employee to get it for them, who then takes you directly to the register. It’s certainly not an ethnic thing.

For the extra dollar that MoviePass costs, you get access to a bunch more theatres, and up to 29 more movie tickets in a month. I’d say Movie Club pales in comparison.

Just a note, you CAN use it at those kiosks! Sure, you can’t order online and pay for it online, but most of the time when I go to the theatre there’s no line at those kiosks anyways, and it’s pretty quick and easy to just pay there at the kiosk and get your ticket

I mean it really depends on how much you’re saving. If you’re not using it all that much, the savings are pretty minimal and probably not worth driving further to get to a different theatre (especially considering that specific area is LA where the traffic is horrendous)

Yeah getting the card was an absolute pain. I ordered 2 right when it first got big and it first was getting slammed and it took awhile, really thought it would’ve died down by now but maybe the holidays it picked up again.

Not all AMCs are being removed, I’m in a larger area with like 4 in a 20 mile radius and only 1 theatre was removed, the other 3 AMC theatres are still viable. Not totally sure if those other ones will be removed at some point too though, hope not

Cinemark has a subscription service that I’m pretty sure started after Moviepass did (or at least I only remember seeing ads for it after Moviepass became a thing) and it’s kinda laughably bad in comparison. I believe it was $9 a month and you only got 1 movie ticket a month, and some discounts on concessions.

OK that kinda sucks, and I feel like they should’ve been more upfront about it. Thankfully only one AMC (that I can tell) in my area seems to have lost service, but it was a pretty popular one in a good location so losing that is pretty lame.

I thought you were just being mean/snarky saying the submissions were ugly...but man, those are pretty ugly hahaha

Everything can be done solo, and it’s not really an MMO, more like co-op quests

Ever since I got a Switch I’ve been looking into indie games and platformers I’ve ignored over the years. For someone who’s new-ish to platformers and pretty bad at them, how long might this take me?

Unless things have changed, they’re entirely optional

You can only play as Palicos in Monster Hunter Generations on 3DS, and there’s a character creator

Most reviews have said no, that it’s not dumbed down. There’s a lot of QoL changes