
Everything’s based on your armor/weapons. Your armor has skill points so your choice of armor will give you specific skills. They’re not usable actions, but buffs that change things like crit chance or speed up certain attacks. There’s no levels, no talent tree

I also wish Capcom gave some MH love to the Switch.

That Polygon article references Reddit threads that talk about the exact same thing. Article ideas don’t have to be entirely unique, and there’s clearly enough in the io9 article that distinguishes it from the Polygon article.

How is it for story? I’m definitely interested in it for the aspect of seeing all the cool new servants but after trying other Gacha games like FEH and just falling off those really quickly, I realized that a story is probably what’s gonna keep me coming back and I remember seeing that F:GO at least had one

MMOs really make it hard to get through my backlog haha, and I imagine Destiny is the same.

The Witcher is one series where you really probably shouldn’t play the first games haha, they’re REALLY unconnected from each other and most people dislike the first game. I’m a huge fan of it but it’s very dated. The third game really is its own beast

The fact that I have like 50 other games I own that I haven’t started yet hahaha. I like to call it backlog paralysis.

Is there any preorder/timed DLC like the first one? Got into the first one a couple months ago and was kinda bummed I was permanently locked out of some Digimon

Same character designer for both games actually

Why? A good story is a good story.

A good story can absolutely be about those things.

Not necessarily. That assumes that the only thing driving whether or not someone reads something they want is whether or not it’s good and they want to read it. Price could be an issue, advertising could be another one. Maybe it’s a good book they want to read, but it could be too expensive, or it was never advertised

So the problem then is that they were bad stories, not that identity politics were their main point. Plenty of bad comics get cancelled that have nothing to do with identity politics, but when those get cancelled, no one says “well that shows X character doesn’t work, let’s just never focus on them again”

You just write good stories. You don’t write stories about a character’s blackness or gayness or transgenderness or whateverness.

I wonder what’s up with not totally removing all traces of the store on the server, and instead deciding to have a “significantly reduced store with more of the current store-based items obtained through gameplay.” What stuff is still gonna be on the store?

In terms of pedigree I think Vikander’s actually had more opportunities to show off her acting abilities than Ridley. I mean she has an Oscar already

For a second I actually did think the guards WERE the Knights of Ren but in new uniform

I’m definitely not a kid but if this came out when I was like 8 I’d fucking be all over this. Their CEO said they were expanding to non-gaming audiences (like kids) in 2018 for the Switch and this certainly seems like a not-bad way to do this.

As of now just prefabricated kits. One kit for the robot suit, another for all the other stuff in the video

That robot suit thing seems insanely complicated using just cardboard haha