
Plenty of “self-respecting PC gamers” mostly target 60FPS as a baseline. Sure, nothing to write home about, but I don’t think the majority of PC gamers who build their own PCs have 144hz monitors. And I say this as someone who owns a 1440p 144hz GSync monitor.

Is the 60 FPS option meant for 1080p? From what I remember, the XBox1X is kinda on the same level as having a 1070, and that can certainly run Witcher at more than 60fps at 1080p.

Yep that’s my main complaint so far. Fine with the premise, fine with the idea of making an Ocean’s 8, cool with the cast, but the trailer was just very low energy

I’m 100% down for this movie, but I will say the trailer didn’t really show off their chemistry that well.

Yeah it’s captioned as Romancing Saga 2

Totally agree with everything, but in the end it was a niche JRPG for a niche system (niche even in Japan) so I just can’t say that it’s likely to be ported.

Didn’t have a Vita til April of this year and DQB wasn’t really on my radar then. Do think playing on the Switch is better than the Vita though

“Most likely to succeed in getting ported” is an awfully poor way of saying “most likely to be ported,” but even if that IS what he meant, then I’ll change my disagreement to: I don’t think TMS is the most likely to get ported.

I’m actually more interested in trying out Skyward Sword over TP/WW, so yeah, please remaster SS!

I would KILL for a Divinity port to Switch.

Kinda nitpicky, but “Most Likely To Succeed” and “Most Likely to be Ported” are 2 different things. Like, I completely agree that Tokyo Mirage Sessions would be successful if ported, but I don’t really agree it’s a likely port TBH (but would 100% be glad to be proven wrong).

Even if we’re being super charitable and there was just a bug where maybe the increased drop rate wasn’t going into effect, doesn’t that still reflect pretty poorly on Bungie? There’s this AAA game made by huge devs and they can’t even get something simple like this right?

Wasn’t that interested in it previously but once I saw it was announced for Switch I looked into it more and now I’m super excited, looks perfect to play portably

Lots of places where public transport is actually the faster alternative over driving.

Yep, it’s why 9/10 if a multiplat is available on the Switch, I’m gonna default to getting it on the Switch even when it’s technically inferior.

I’m very much an outlier since I actually dug Man of Steel and dug what they were doing with Superman there as inexperienced but idealistic...but man, the overly positive and heroic depictions of him in BvS and Justice League just ring so hollow. The intro to JL was just bleh because it was really saccharine, in

Part of it is that Hollywood seems to have 0 desire to cast people of color in a vast majority of leading roles. I honestly have 0 faith that some big film studio is gonna create, say, a new action blockbuster IP and cast a minority in the leading role. Hell, I don’t even think a minor indie movie is really gonna cast

Of course it’s a one-sided argument, Hollywood’s casting is completely one-sided. That’s the whole problem.

I am all for finding actual fault, but sometimes tire of how low the bar has been set for being offended. As Dr. King said, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.

It’s not about the integrity of the adaptation per se, nor is it about some conspiracy to hold back minorities. It’s simply pointing out that white people are overly represented in Hollywood. When you have a new original property, a lot of times the default is that the character is white. Or you’re adapting a property