
Ctrl-F slowyourroll

I've enjoyed his comments on io9.

Yeah I started watching it on Netflix last night and not off to the greatest start, to be honest, but has potential.

Thanks for posting that. Looks like it will be a suitable replacement for Little Britain and League of Gentlemen.

Huh. Hungry for Doritos now. MF.

There was a period, around age 19-23, where a shot of scotch or two would loosen up some creativity and inspiration for both writing and music, but that didn't seem to last. And that was just getting a bit of a buzz — getting actually drunk (not shitfaced though) never helped.

I wish PETA would let us have commercials like that here.

Jump in. The water's fine.

They just love to babytalkify everything.

I don't know, but they really tie the room together.

Now playing

A documentary on this subject is a double-edged sword, unfortunately. I would love to put real faces to trolls, or see them react in an environment that is not under their control (there are video trolls on youtube, for instance — see link). At the same time, this gives them more attention on a certain level, which

Same here. And doesn't seem like he's completely "won" just yet, so...

This is called "show of force" and show was clearly not just for Kim Dotcom.

Couldn't help but notice how the ringmaster dandily skipped his way over to the scene.

The "Large" comes with one of these.

I think he's been in jail and unemployed — he's clearly not using the device. Or, instead, he's been doing it wrong and using a car battery.

"and... stuff (monsters)"

I won't consider it until its amazing benefits are showcased by the Slap Chop dude and sold in 3 easy payments.

See, that reference really tied the thread together.