
Good example, except too brief. I think those battle scenes may have been decently balanced audio-wise if they silenced all the outside noise and kept in the usual inside audio.

Oh I'll say it. But if every solider took LSD, there'd be no

Looks interesting. Just hope the story and running time is a bit tighter than TrollHunter.

While we still had trucks, my neighborhood "gang" would fill up a small wagon with mud, let it "bake", then break it into clumps to lob at the enemy across the street. Or collect honey bees in a jar as a kind of bee-bomb. Sounds horrible. No one got hurt, promise. :)


I wish I cud do better.

I got a Se7en vibe too. Which reminds me, maybe it's time to give that movie another viewing.

Technically fine, but wasn't holding my attention very well.

Indeed, to drawn upon M*A*S*H, you have the hated Frank Burns (comically static character) and the offensive, yet unpredictable Chahhhles Winchester (wonderfully dynamic). Have your friend be a Winchester.

I actually think it has more impact when you see explosions or horrific things happen silently in space.

Would love the radioactive fallout skeleton to decorate my living room...or I'll settle for the den... or garage.

Ah, thanks. That's actually #15 in the Netflix queue :)

Are they noisy? And what is that movie still from? Tineye was useless :)

"The short answer is: don't know; needs more research...and probably we', I mean the test subjects, will do it in the woods."

Apparently, it's more like this. (googled "egg fungus")

I had these same thoughts. Plus, not that I'd know for sure either (whistling becomes a chorus), but I've always understood that the real trip doesn't start till 30 to 40 minutes after consumption.

The trouble is, we won't have a way to reason with these conscious-less drones once they turn against us.

No. Unlike your comment, I'm not trying to troll anyone here.

Then by definition, this is something else.

Thought this was a close up of a gorilla's hand.