
Is this sarcasm.......? I'm feeling a Poe...

I think it's the whole invasion of the 'souls' that bugs me. I'd rather an internally consistent idea like alien cloning in snatchers than 'souls' just coming over and 'taking over' using what amounts to magic to do it, and the technical questions are ignored because Meyers is more interested in a fluffy love story.

Oddly the guy using the kitchen knife cut the aluminum can more cleanly.

This! And this 'The Host' will probably be way better than the new one.

More like the movie adaptation of scientology's alien thetans inhabiting humans or something. I doubt it will be nearly as good as body snatchers.

i did enjoy perusing the comments, they should change the icon beside the number of comments from a talk bubble to a flame

NO it's FAKE man! We're all in nutrient baths hooked up to a huge simulation mainframe feeding us LIES. The video is the tip of the iceberg!

Did you see the first article where Gizmodo totally fell for it, and argued with the commentors who called fake? ([]) And I've read a few non-American news sites saying it's probably a fake after they did some investigating (for example: [])

Jesus' fits can be entertaining as the original article boasted a 90 replied comment fueled by his crazy.

The luggage from that movie always enchanted me. Yes luggage.

LOL BINGO; man even the worst Doctor Who episode had a more well thought out ending...

Now playing

This reminds me a little of a Sci show episode that explains a possible outcome if global climate change were to stop thermohaline circulation.

I agree, there's art, and there's too lazy to come up with a decent story.

Or possibly number three too. I can't stand non-endings or open-endings. Inception was okay because it did have closure, with a tail end openness that didn't leave you feeling cheated.

I think the best way to revive google+ is to call it something else (I can picture the average non-informed consumer hears google+ and ignores it thinking it's just some search extension), and disconnect it from your searches. I can imagine some people would be afraid of searching for porn or something (what me?

But the early Godzilla movies were shit. They just teased the 'so bad it's good' border. I had no expectations. And I actually didn't mind Godzilla too much.

I agree. It was one of the hardest choices I had to make all year.


Trumpy, you can do stupid things!

Are you sure it's holy water? It kind of looks like silver? It's too gooey to be water and water would probably dry too fast.