
I thought this was an 'okay' movie, but had too many logical flaws that bugged me.

Exactly. I wonder how many people in developed countries consume *only* the amount calories required to function.

The quote certainly become clearer when you discover his motive. I certainly wouldn't pay $10 for a video game, no matter how good, that took 30 minutes to complete.

My nightmare.

Yea some days I dream what it would be like if North America were more like Amsterdam...

And alcohol is legal...

I wonder if they'd have to start hunting each other for food? It would be like a spider thunderdome!

True utahraptor would be a more appropriate size (a little bigger than the movie raptors I think?), but the design the movie guys used was mostly based on deinoychus, and they just made him a little larger for dramatic effect.

Needs to be clarified in the article:

They really need to clarify this in the article. At the moment it's only misleading readers.

THANK you, I was about to comment the same thing. If you want to talk about the scary creatures you saw in Jurassic Park, you have to look to Deinonychuses.

Thanks! :)

I'm not American, and if you consider yourself self-loathing, you sure fooled the rest of us.

huh, I made a link somehow! neato.

I'm happy to hear about that last part. On hearing it was on the American Revolution, I was afraid it was going to be all 'USA #1, everyone else thhhpppppstttt'. As a non American it would've been insufferable.


Unless you try to make it our of sheet metal! I'd like to see that.

I wonder if they could raise enough with Kickstarter.

Upon further investigation I understand the day one DLC is another issue that could warrant the negative reviews. In many ways more justifiable than the gay thing.

So you have to buy the game AND the DLC day one? I guess I'm waiting for it to go on sale. Besides I haven't finished the previous ones yet.