
I'm pretty sure it was free as long as you bought the full game. If this isn't the case for Mass Effect 3, than I could understand the anger. At least wait a little to bring out something truly extra (not essential that it) - like Assassin's Creed. Although I haven't played the newest AC yet.

The European Union has already banned antibiotics as growth promoters([]), the States (and Canada) should follow suit.

Unfortunately this kind of thing is probably going to keep happening, as the alternatives to the kind of heavy duty antibiotics ranchers use are more expensive than most of them are willing to try. Add to this that a lot of the antibiotics used on livestock are used to promote growth rather than combat disease

I could understand that, but then didn't Arkham City have day one dlc?

I suppose. Could be someone trolling too, giving it zero is a little harsh, but maybe they were just trying to force the score down.

Wouldn't be surprised if it were a bunch of fundamentalist christians trying to stop people playing the game because it has the option to be gay. I read one of the zero reviews that was apparently by a gay man, could it be fabricated to be mroe convincing and stop people playing the game? Who knows. I know giving the

Maybe it's some fundie religious group who're upset at the option to be gay. Wouldn't put that kind of childishness past them.

Funny I watched 'Hugo' (Ebert loved it) and felt it was a soul deadening exercise (just not my taste), but I would be a fool to then triumphantly claim film is worthless or not 'art'.

LOL no kidding! If you want a newbie to get into video games, Dark Souls (or better yet Demons Souls) is a surefire way to make them never want to try another one. Skyrim FTW.


Reading the title I was hoping it was some device or exercise to make my thumbs feel better after playing hours of gaming. Sometimes they get so cramped I feel compelled to bite them to relieve the pain. Maybe I should just go outside...

I may be out of line, but the fact that some arsehole stole the kids iPad make me angrier than the meth.

I recently sent a nasty complaint about this issue to google. I've been trying to delete my google plus account without messing up the other services I use it for (like signing into youtube and commenting on some websites and using gmail), with no success. I would actually consider keeping google plus if they didn't

Sums the issue up nicely. He deserves the moniker 'man who coined the term 'email'', and nothing more.

Took the words out of my mouth. edit: The BBC link has audio ([]) - but I still would like to hear a comparison between both types.

Speaking as a non-Quebecois Canadian, I agree french should go to hell. Why children are forced to learn a dying language when they could spend the time getting more science or math education is unfortunate. Even leaning a more useful language would be better - Mandarin or something. Hell learning programming

Actually, I find a game's value can be determined on how much time you play it. I figure you should on average get about an hours gameplay for every dollar spent. $60 game, around 60 hours. $5 game, 5 hours (give or take). Any more and you've got a game you love. This doesn't speak for the game's quality per say, but

Unless you meant that specific guys survival.... then he best watch out for any hungry birds :)

In captivity the average lifespan seems to be around 2 years. ([])

I think that's his cousin, The Great A'lbert.