
Bayformers! HA. Much better than its working title, Battle..something...?

I also have to add that government grants are peanuts, and no scientist is a scientist because of those peanuts. They are scientists because they love science. My wife is a researcher and the piddle she receives in grant money means she still (surprise) has to work a shitty retail job. I make more than her for crying

That tiny bullet right there, do you REALLY believe it can kill an entire human? Also I doubt 'all our stuff' includes all the excess carbon dioxide and methane we produce over time.

This is part of the problem is that even if the earth does have natural cycles and it can take whatever we throw at it (possible), in return we certainly can't take whatever it throws back at us in response. More severe weather? Global droughts? Another ice age? I don't want to be alive to see how humanity fares. I

I think part of the problem is that the US is slowing losing ground on recruiting the smartest people in the world. The LHC for instance, could have been in the US. It also doesn't help that, for instance, when Obama asked everyone to try and commit to at least one year of college, a leading republican candidate

'Big science' wants to hide the fact that we are in fact floating through space on a *flat* earth, which is resting on the backs of four elephants, who are standing on the back of a giant space-sea-turtle.

YES automail.

I love the chip clip "I have you now, CHIPS"

I have to return to my original point, how does the method of obtaining the information have any bearing on the truth of the matter. Once again, anthropomorphic climate change is real has been continuously independently verified, and regardless about whether Gliek admitted what happened before or after some supposed

The title should read "The extinction of Neanderthals *may have* had nothing to do with us" No need for sensationalist certainty.

I understand the need for replicas, but doesn't make me enjoy them any more.

The monster looks like a copy of Man-Thing.

Well he obtained the information, then asked for it again under a different name to corroborate it, then admitted he lied because he felt guilty. There's no need to put scientist in quotes either, just a meaningless bit of rhetoric on your part. The Hartland institute already has a history of manipulation to further

I agree with you on the replica not having the same appeal. There's something... visceral about having the actual artifact in front of you. A 300 million year old fossil has a certain something that makes it magical.

I see Pinterest turning our spouses into stepford wives, it will be the end of mankind!

don't forget the T&A with the sports :)

My wife has become infected with the pinterest virus and walks among the undead swarms of.. pinters? I feel it's like twitter, everyone seems to be using it but I don't get it. At least with pinterest I sort of get it.... somewhere to put crap that your facebook friends would normally ignore?

I'm paraphrasing the denial of not of global climate change in general, but that it's changing too quickly and in the wrong direction to expected changes, and specifically the denial of anthropogentic aspect of this change. The history of earth's climate is actually fascinating, which many changes all over the place.

Unfortunatley the facts aren't up for debate, so there's no logical fence in that respect. What we can debate is what to do do about it, and I'm no environmentalist - I don't want to have to give up any of the luxuries of life to fix it, but the facts are there.