
They were in fact hacked, get your facts straight. And can you give me a specific example that displays 'serious ethical concerns'? It is unfortunate that quote-mining and out of context phrases seem so impressive to the layperson, I know. And no manipulation of the Heartland data happened. Corroborating documents

To the uneducated public, the question really is whether climate change is happening (the answer is yes, it is). And for what is causing it, the answer is YES man is causing it, and not interfering is irresponsible. Global temperatures fluctuate over tens and hundreds of thousands of years, and we should be in one of

How he acquired the data has no bearings on the content itself.

+1 to you! I don't know where this new fad came from where people think meteorology has anything to do with tracking GLOBAL temperatures over decades, centuries and millennia.

Kristen, you are the one being a jerk.

I agree. I also read a few books on nuclear energy, and even if a plane crashed into one of these trucks, nothing would happen. Of course if someone on the inside was on the verge of being a real-life bond villain, that's another story...

I recommend it. If you want a comparison, it reminded me a bit of Slither (starring Nathan Fillion), similar mix of humour and suspense.

Considering there's a lot of vocal and physical humour that requires synced sound/action, you really need to see it subbed. I usually don't mind dubbed movies, but in this case, I would only recommend it subbed.

I didn't know it was your last day. All is forgiven!

I think it would be fun to have a co-op open world experience in Skyrim - kind of like minecraft. You come home to find your house full of sweet rollsyour friends put there. You could double team a dragon. Vie for the same woman. Sounds like fun to me!

I lol'd

Reminded me of this bit from an interview with Douglas Adams on being described as a 'radical atheist':

A joke I'm sure, so if any commenters don't like what he has to say - they'll go complain about Michael Palin, so he's off the hook for repercussions.

I'm still a little hazy on what's different with windows 8. I mean from a desktop point of view (as opposed to tablet). Is it just the metro interface? Which means it's just like when Windows came out with 'media centre', it didn't really change the main OS?

I like this better. Although I would maybe make the 8 black.

I'd like to see the controllers that didn't pass. I wonder if they have a controller graveyard there...

Unless you were planning on whispering sweet nothings in his ear, a bit of coffee breath is much less insulting.

I was thinking the same thing. not only rude, but distracting.

Good point. MacBook Pro with Mac OSX does sound redundant when you say it out loud.