
Im at sequence 12 and I have to say this has been the worst gameplay experience I've had since I first picked AC. I'm just finishing this because I must, but there have been moments of true rage playing ACIII. The worst part is that I've finished all the naval missions, so I dont have a satisfying moment anymore.

Yes it is. Treyarch tries to experiment with the franchise I want to know if they did it right. Zombies are fun but not enough to buy a $60 game just for that. I do like COD but my issues with the franchise are getting worse with each game, so a review that explored the gameplay elements of a videogame is not too much

Well, we wont agree then, and that's fine 'cause I do believe you have a point. But its an exploit, one that is not present in the PC version, one that is hated by many people, and one that actually gives unfair advantage to some players.

No, the "expiration date" of the games mean that you wont get them if you dont "purchase" them before the time runs out, but any game you download will be yours as long as you are a PS+ subscriber.

Actually if you read the small letters on almost every digital distributors contract you'll find that they can take away your games. It wont happen of course, but we never know do we?

Actually I DO know how to quickscope. But after MW2 I stopped because its a matter of how I want to play. I rather go down and dirty and hit a 44-3 on TDM with my SMG than quickscope.

Its actually "sanctioned cheating" since its an exploit on the aim assist and both Treyarch and IW are vocal when they say they support it.

Quickscoping is "sanctioned cheating". Every COD game on consoles has it since COD4 I think. It sucks, and is not actually that hard to do, all you need is to learn the proper timing for button pressing. It requires practice but not that much skill.

Yeah but that's why I always make my last SP gameplay on novice, that way you can collect stupid intel and fool around like the honey badger.

Very insightful review, 'tho I would've liked more emphasis on the gameplay since they've changed and tweaked enough stuff for the COD fan to be intrigued or even worried.

Yes I actually need a review. Why?, because its BO and not MW so the actual plot is supposed to be different, because is "near future" wich is something that is "new" in the COD franchise, this game is closer to Frontlines: fuel of war and since that game sucked and was great at the same time I want to know if

Its bizarre yes, but doable:

Yes and I thought it was good too (not great but not as lousy as some say). POTC (at least the first two) were great too. What I meant was that Disney actually tried to milk the franchises and in the case of John Carter they did an awful marketing campaign. Now they have Star Wars and if they're trying to lure this

I agree, but Disney can go all "Pirates of the Caribbean" with this... or even worse, they can go the John Carter way. So yes at least is not Lucas, but things can go wrong.

The problem is that people upgrade for that extra pixel, or that additional FPS. PC gaming is as expensive as you want it to be. If you build a monster gig TODAY, I assure you it'll be able to run both this gen and the next one too (assuming the next gen is around the corner of course).

Im gonna keep your comment for future reference, so I can explain to people what the uncanny valley is.

Its OK.. I too get the WTF?! feeling with this AC. Im not enjoying it as much as the cat 'tho.

'cause of Gamestop it'll survive longer (I get the digital version since I dont live in the US). Also, GI tries hard to keep articles that are actual news, like full coverage on a game before such info hits the big gaming sites.

Yes, they are.

Yeah it does that, and if I remember correctly it also has default layouts for racing and other genres (in racing it asks you wether you want throttle/brake with triggers, analog sticks or buttons)... dunno if it worked on every game, but the concept of having to do this only once is great.