Slick Nick

Back in my day if you lost a part of your elbow bone you’d just pop it back in yourself, pour some coors light on it, patch it up with duct tape and move on with your day.

While smoking an unfiltered Lucky Strike. 

This same guy who was whining due to lag also immediately donated a solid 2k to an old acquaintance of his after finding out she had stage 4 cancer (something she had only just found out herself). The attention he gave her ended up in the rest of her hospital bills being paid off in full with change to spare because

Damn man, a hole in the elbow for complaining about lag? The universe is really dialing up the karmatic justice these days.

“He landed on his elbow, put a huge hole in his elbow. From what I understand, he tore a ligament and removed a piece of the bone from the elbow, so [the surgeons] need to go in and reattach that bone to his elbow.”

This is one of the few streamers i enjoy and follow, i use my prime sub 50% of the time on him.

And that ladies and gentlemen is EXACTLY why I play Bangalore, nothing else really matters in a BR, kills and wins are why I play.

There are two types of Lifelines: the ones still learning the game who are the nicest people ever, and the battle-hardened 2k-kill monsters who horde all the best loot, hardly ping, and save their healing drone exclusively for when they need it.

The load times are much, much better if it’s installed on an SSD. Even then they’re still too long though.

Worth noting: I had the same issues when installing the game initially on my HDD (very similar setup to yours, SSD for the “OS” drive, 7200 SATA HDD for mass storage).

Schreier to EA execs...

This article just reminded me they rebooted Dragon Age 4 to implement more “live” features into the game... that scares me a little bit.

that last sentence

Because their games would be pulled from the platform and unable to be certified. These platforms aren’t open.

Sony is not exactly shy when it comes to blackballing people. They could do a lot, honestly.

Bored at work*

In your journey you break out of the dense forest only to be stopped by a deep canyon. Your party sets down and makes camp on your side of the cliff.

Sony, “welp, this is as far as we go. I’ll be happy to stay leader of the camp since i’ve built it to be the most popular.(IE: Your firepit sucks and your

You uhhh, don’t really understand how all networking works, do ya? Sony *absolutely* can shut that down, quickly, and end business ties with that developer/publisher.

You basically contradicted your entire point. The only place Sony can go is down from here. And they’re doing everything possible lately to ensure that they go down hard next generation.

exclusives are bad.

“I don’t want to objectively think about an issue, so every argument I make must include an easily dispatched strawman.”