
When apprehended, the driver was given a sobriety test. The test showed that he was tanked.

BMW’s don’t have to look beautiful. They just have to look expensive. As long as it makes people look successful and affluent they’ll keep buying them (or leasing them I guess).

What cash? You mean this $368 he had? I can’t imagine what happened to all $268 of it. I mean really, are you even sure he had $168 in the car? There’s absolutely no proof...  

Sometimes outside car thermometers are so inaccurate that they feel like random number generators. They’re basically the worst feature of the car, next to the car’s infotainment systems. That’s because [...] they’re actually thermistors.

Yeah, but how can I lord over nerds on internet forums about my drive-wheel supremacy if I’m driving a FWD car?

Yeah, that darny darn Japanese driver, winning the the Indy 500 on Memorial Day. Shame on him for coming from a country who has been our ally for over 70 years. How dare he signify the peace between Japan and America that our soldiers and sailors fought to regain?

“Electric motors are essentially all the same”

Its a 2009-2013 Suzuki Grand Vitara dash

Now playing

Vatanen flat out... The famous ‘Dear God’ video was filmed at the Isle of Man


PBS makes some good shit, watched a ton of their stuff on on Netflix. It would be a real shame if a bunch of immoral greedy fucks were to defund it.

Why is NASCAR so complicated? Setting aside the technical regulations for the cars, the race itself is quite simple.

Some cheap cars do have interiors that punch well above their price point. Case in point, the Golf

Just like when people complained about early EVO and WRX/STI interiors. It’s not like the carmakers were advertising plush seats and leather wrapped dash. The point of the car was to use lightweight cheap components. Luxury, inexpensive, performance. Pick two.

Am I the only one who is a bit scared for the general public because of idiots who buy these cars and can’t control them properly?

Home price appreciation is totally dependent on easy credit from banks as well, and your results on appreciation may vary by market. Houses by and large are not assets, but rather a sunk cost that comes with enormous expenses for maintenance and upkeep. Real estate transaction costs and complications can eat most of

Thank goodness!

Did it look this fat as a concept? It looks like it went from resembling Model S (good) to resembling Model X (less good)

You know it wasn’t a Mustang because it turned away from the pedestrians.