
Holy Lumberjack Jesus, how am I the same species as him?

Wouldn’t we all. :(

Once I hit 30, I quit keeping track. Not on purpose, or anything, it just seemed not to matter much anymore. Now I have to do the math from my birth year any time I’m called upon to state my age. And I often do it wrong. lol.

On the other hand, that might work as an anchor...

I’ll just leave this classic here:

They seem like lovely people but I can’t not think about these guys.

Generic witty comment or meme.

Yeah...But that’s because she didn’t just grab the simplest, worst sort of lowest common denominator stereotype about your ancestors and use it as “history”. Context matters on an issue like this.

there is no need to TIP, because they can’t even add 2+2

Sherman: Don’t start a war, there is literally no way you can win against the North. Trains and factories, yo.

An SRPG like Final Fantasy Tactics? yes

The slash literally no one wanted.

“He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!)“

Not to detract from your general point, but this is a really bad understanding of the nature of presidencies. In 1992 Bill Clinton directly campaigned on totally ending the ban on gays in the military, along with a universal health care plan. When universal

>the internet’s slightly-smarter-than-average suburban teens

Good fucking lord, dude. Mac isn’t exactly the second coming of Christ.

Then why don’t you marry her

Oh for god’s sake, go ahead and support Bernie or whomever you want to, that’s your right, but lay off the Hillary is a racist who only supports white women mantra or only white women support Hillary nonsense. I’m not white and I’m supporting Hillary because I think she can win and I’m not buying the Bernie

Now playing

This one as well (Trust me it’s serious, despite the silly thumbnail.)