
I was sure this was filed under Ads.

Yes. As has pushback against multiculturalism. One does not preclude the other.

If that person was carrying 5 guns and had a trunk full of bombs it would most definitely be all over the news. When have you ever heard of that happening? And America is chock full o guns.

wasn’t it also the post-WWII boom that added to the whole “get out on your own when you’re 18” phenomenon? it’s “easy” to be on your own when you can get a relatively unskilled but decent-paying manufacturing job with nothing more than a high school diploma, if even that.

It is... SORT OF.

Kobe Earthquake Memorial Park. Kobe, Japan. By Pavel.

A big advantage of having a PC is that your library is consistent despite the ever-evolving hardware. I can stop playing Fallout 4 one minute, then boot up the original Fallout from 1997.

Ha ha. If you see chefs and cooks in the back of any kitchen, you’d know that half the water in your food is sweat.

While the Hollywood Ghost in the Shell movie with Scarlett Johansson lurches forward,

You guys are funny. The British coined the term Soccer to give the sport more class and elevate it from the rest of the peasant level sports. Football was the generic term for any peasant sport (sports not played on horseback) like rugby and american football. The fact that you went back to the generic, less classy

“But if we give up employing the slippery slope fallacy, then what will be next? Giving up false dichotomies? Abandoning appeals to authority? Where does it stop, I ask you? Where does it stop?”

You just made a few HUGE assumptions about software development that I don’t think you quite understand. lol

Apparently someone hasn’t been paying attention to what’s going on with the House Republican going on a witch hunt with the NOAA: I don’t like nor understand your science, so I want you to give me all your emails so I can dig up dirt on scientists.

Android Pay is the same.

At least your family will get the money you saved on a cheaper helmet.

Depends on if it’s an Air Force phone. A lot of active duty personnel are issued phones by the DoD that can access the military’s PKI-access secure websites. When you’re issued one of those phones, you sign an agreement acknowledging that it can be seized at any time and that all content on the phone is the property

Actually cricket is an AT&T owned subsidy now. I’ve been on them for a couple of years now without a single issue or dropped call. Though Fi might be slightly cheaper than Cricket, you can’t beat unlimited everything for $35 on a major network.

Pilot G-2 07 -

Pilot G-2 07 -