

You know who else is a client of displaymate? Pretty much everyone who ever made a display.

No, DisplayMate has, about the Apple devices as well as the new Galaxy S6. It’s not labeled as a sponsored post because it’s not. They’re a reputable company for testing displays.

In Canada we have all the floor cleaning marvels of the modern world and yet we STILL take off our shoes before entering the living area of a house. Because it’s gross not to.

Boy, conservatives really need to overcompensate in the area of masculinity, don’t they? Would it helped if Obama put on a flight suit, stuffed his underwear with a sock, landed on an aircraft carrier and declared “Mission Accomplished”?

I saw a few sad rich guys at the last super trofeo race I watched, usually after crashing out

The swastika is a Buddhist icon. If it’s shown to be spinning clockwise, it’s the Nazi one. The Buddhist ones appears to spin counter-clockwise. In maps used in Eastern Asia, it is used to locate Buddhist temples. I think it’s been around for five thousand years, and it’s also a lucky emblem. In Chinese, it’s

It’s a symbol several thousands of years old and is a part of a couple religions that have a presence in Japan. I’d assume that not even an association with Hitler can destroy that kind of history.

They started construction on the actual runs last year, not just the test track.

I’m a C6 quadriplegic and the Only alternative to commute from one borough to the next is to use access a ride. Unfortunately the service isn’t as convenient as MTA thinks it is. Having to wait outside 5 minutes prior to your pick up even though they can and are regularly late regardless of the conditions outside is

The maglev hasn’t been shelved. It’s being built now, you can go see the test facility even.

So as explained to me by a Japanese tour guide (meaning I have no idea at the accuracy of the following):

In Japan, it’s called the “manji” and is a Buddhist symbol. It came to Japan from India, via China as Buddhism spread east. You’ll see the same symbol in temples across India and Asia.

Peter Pan’s been traditionally a woman’s role for about a century, so this is more an indication that he would want to play that connection up—there’s sense there, but it’s obscure if you’re not into theatre.

The swastika was originally a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, in use for centuries. The Nazis appropriated it in 1920 and well, ruined the association for everyone.

A) Female characteristics are relatively easy to disguise, and traditionally female actors have been playing male stage roles for generations.

The primary difference between normal cells and cancer cells is that cancer cells don’t have the mechanisms that trigger suicide. Without them, they just keep growing and multiplying.

This is exactly why people go out of their way to do more than what they are required to do for me and will do whatever they can to make sure you have a bad day. Technically they don’t have to do anything more than refund your money. It’s not being passive to be empathetic, it’s being human. It’s true that they are

Yeah, but my taste is the correct taste because I’m special.

It could have something to do with tastes. You know, everyone has their own and whatnot.