
Either A: They spent a lot of time and effort to make it LOOK like someone painstakingly arranging windows on a Mac, in which case they should be applauded for the effort, or

Honestly I think gaming apps are this successful thing that fell into Apple’s laps that it has no idea what to do with.

BP said the same thing-paying the cost with the Gulf disaster- then used the courts to try and reduce penalties -all while running feel good ads about ‘recovery’.

This is really bad news... “Hiroyuki was ousted from 2ch for selling user data to marketers, and censoring negative comments about several companies that had paid him to do so. After he was fired, he tried several tactics to gain control over 2ch including abusing DNS, DDOS and creating a fake version of 2ch that

Sure, if “recently” is a decade ago.

They got caught with their pants down. They literally had no choice. They didn’t do this out of the goodness of their hearts. They first tried lying about it and that didn’t work so they had to come clean. The EPA threatened to not allow the 2016 models to go on sale if VW didn’t come clean, so they did. You must have

I can’t believe people won’t pay $3.00 for this great app. I have about 5 photo apps on my phone and this is the only one I ever use.

Did you forget the Korean War (1950-53)? Chinese forces routed US/UN forces from the Yalu river almost all the way back to the 37th parallel (undeclared border between North and South Korea). Only one other military force (the Germans under Rommel at the Battle of Kasserine Pass, North Africa) actually routed US

Yeah, it’s not like it’s fucking written right below the cell phone plans or anything...

Yes, unlimited data ON YOUR PHONE. Not on a tethered device. It’s right in the contract. You don’t like it so you do a work arround and then cry foul when you get caught gaming the system.

They even have, as the main image for the product, an Android device plugged into a reader. Jesus, this is asinine.

Great job being an “unbiased” tech news site, and not telling us that it works with all NFC enabled devices, including Google Wallet....

It launched on Windows Phone too.....

The part of this story that is “new” is that NASA has funded a new round of testing for the VASIMR engine. That announcement came very recently.

Awesome, but unfortunately not possible. This type of engine can only be used in a vacuum.

Except West Germany is still carrying the former GDR for a number of reasons. The region of eastern Germany has 9%+ unemployment, and despite all the infusions of money and infrastructure build-up, still aren’t a positive component of what makes the entire country an economic powerhouse.

The income gap between West and East Germany was 1:2 or 1:3. Here it’s 1:15 AT BEST.
And the reunified Germany is STILL trying to bring up the economies of its new eastern regions to the level of those in the west.

Quite apart from that, it would suit EVERYONE better that the two Koreas remain divided, even the

Things in East Germany weren’t even a fraction as bad as they are in North Korea right now.