
You’re kidding right?

I still have my old Galaxy Nexus. Got it at release, actually used it for about 3 years.

A true geek wouldn’t say that, as a light year is a measure of distance not time.

As part of Obama’s recent push for prison reform and oversight he has spoken out more than a few times against it, calling it inhumane. It is one of the points he would like to address in his larger reform of American prisons. So that’s where our President is at least. On this right side of this particular history.

Use your mini map.

If you think Tesla = Enron, then you clearly don’t know anything about Enron. Or Tesla. In fact, what are you even doing here?

And which OS should they pick? Vanilla Android is safe - Nexus devices are not affected at all. It’s not like there are any un-hackable OSs out there

I don’t know how old you are, but there is a fairly good chance that your fuel taxes haven’t been raised a cent in your life time. They barely cover the cost of collecting the tax. DOT’s across the country rely on general funds for their budgets.

That sucks over here in CT I have service everywhere.

After 45 minutes or so, I’ve upgraded from 8.1 to 10 in the past hour. No issues what so ever. Classic shell even updated without a hitch.

Counter Point:

Luke W is maybe the most respected name in UI usability. Technically a conflict of interest? Perhaps. But his reputation for this type of insight should exceed whatever suspicion you may have of a biased opinion. He’s not throwing Apple under the bus to give Google a boost.

So does Apple. So do a lot of companies.


I’ve checked mine, it had to ask about sharing... Nothing in mine was shared “by default”... The author is in some sort of delusion (or trying to rake in some views)

“all the networks you’ve previously connected to are shared by default”

Do we know that? Has that been confirmed? I’ve seen no sign of that.

Forks - you mean those things you started using two hundred years ago, when you decided to stop eating with your hands?

You haven’t watched enough Asian PVs, and we’re revoking your Asian card.