
None of this matters because while the Unicode Consortium is in charge of defining what an emoji means—in words—the actual visual design that you see on day to day basis is left up to the implementers, i.e., Google, Apple, et al.

Wireless security key authentication has been a long time coming for Yubico, and this launch means that it now offers YubiKey 5 with NFC capabilities in USB-A and USB-C”

Because hubris/Dunning-Kruger effect. “We’ve been wildly successful at making computers and portable electronics, and cars these days are just computers on wheels; how hard could it be?”

Costco sells the same TV as the X90CH with a 3 year warranty, and the Costco credit card bumps it to 4 years. Sounds like they’re the way to go, then.

Costco carries this as the X90CH. It’s the same TV with a different model number to prevent price matching, though right now it’s about the same price everywhere. So why buy it from Costco? Because it comes with a 3 year warranty vs only 1 year for the X900H.

I also learned other pearls of wisdom from these vibrator app users. For example, it seems that my fear of electrocution might be unfounded, as you don’t actually put your phone in your vagina.

$7,500-8,500 in 1985 would be equivalent to $18,500-21,000 in today’s money.

I don’t know if you do any baking, but let’s say that for the sake of this analogy that you enjoy it. So let’s say that you made some cookies, and when one of your friends ate one, he became deathly ill. It turns out that the batch of flour you used was contaminated with rat poison during its production. Meanwhile

While we legally cannot, with 100% certainty, claim “New York’s finest” tried to lazily edit their own entry on Wikipedia to be infinitely more flattering

I wonder why commercial fleets don’t make use of battery swapping. Even fast charging would take far longer, and is deleterious to battery lifespan.

Coming to a drone near you.

Pebble smart watches (I backed both the original and the Pebble Time) used e-paper screens, not e-ink. e-paper is a completely different technology; it’s an LCD screen with a dab of memory for each pixel. A standard LCD pixel would need to be refreshed by the system on every cycle in order to maintain state;

In fact, because our traditional video rundown test uses YouTube, I couldn’t even run a proper battery life test on the P40 Pro.

It’s their order, they haven’t paid for it yet, they don’t have a right to anything unless the kitchen agrees to accept the order.

I don’t give a damn about how you choose to eat your food as it’s going into your digestive tract and not mine, but: While said customer has the right to ask for the product to be prepared as they wish, chefs have the right to refuse to provide said product until such time as “people who want their steaks well-done”

And the manager didn’t do anything? That’s worth at least a lifetime ban and a call to the cops.

Funny how some folks love them some free market until some company inconveniences them by choosing not to do business with them.

First, you do know that Facial recognition as used by iOS is not a retinal scam

Additionally, they are using a laser to the eye