
Every automaker in history who has come out with a splashy press release about its cool new semi-autonomous tech product certainly has.

Our best photos of atoms are blurry blobs at best, but eventually, Pulse might even help reveal razor-sharp images of the building blocks of our existence.”

I have been informed that aside from glory holes, there’s an entire category of barrier-related fetish that revolves around getting stuck in or through a variety of large structures, be it a result of poorly maintained fencing/drywall, sci-fi “phasing” through matter, or mishaps involving open dryers.

It was also alleged that Tesla’s swap station was a scheme to take advantage of tax credits offered for the number of vehicles theoretically capable of battery swapping, without regard to actual swap capability. When the regulation was fixed, so did any desire to keep the lone swap station running.

People buy bigger cars out of concern of other people buying bigger cars. Congratulations on perpetuating the cycle.

Rule 1.4 states that the organizers can elect to purchase any car at the end of the race for $500 (to discourage cheating, “cheating”, and general assholishness). Does that include the EV parts?

>Also, this whole article is BS. You can wipe the control unit yourself if you wish, but if you do, Tesla can’t transfer all your info to the new unit for you.

Which Tesla doesn’t support.

Can you imagine the uproar if you had to pay $1 each time to re-dye the character’s hair because the hair grew out?

Authy is a much better app for managing your 2FA codes, anyway [...] deploying the app on multiple devices is easy.”

If you’re getting a refund large enough to matter, then you screwed up in the first place on the withholdings.

The reason for the name is also—which bashcraft didn’t mention—that it’s not tooth-achingly sweet, unlike many other Japanese desserts.

>I find it very fishy that over 17 years of having him as CEO, and then as Chairman, they uncover his misdeeds exactly when the Renault-Nissan+FCA merger rumors started to heat up

>But if yours does, why shy away from using it?

“The sculptor said, ‘Let’s have Waddle Dee be physically unable to take a bite out of that apple. It’ll make it look like even less of an asshole.’

>This is kind of a big deal, because the Bluetooth version of the Apple Watch can connect on its own to a wifi network

>My Series 3 with Cellular gets about 40 hours of battery life with cellular on.

Express Transit works with different cards in different regions. In Japan, Beijing, Shanghai, and London, it works with the local transit contactless card added to Apple Wallet. In NYC and Portland, it works with credit and debit cards that have been added to Apple Wallet.

“at least in my country we have a concept of speedy justice.”