
you shouldn’t need to spend anything to watch it.”

>Since word of the issue got out, Facebook VP Guy Rosen tweeted that Facebook does not believe the bug is aware of the bug

The amusing thing about the Red Cars is that they themselves were a product of a conspiracy. And long before the auto companies came to kill public transit, the public rejected an attempt to expand Pacific Express.

Instead, Biden’s campaign is calling the domain purchase a “childish” move, rather than a pretty standard campaign tactic here in the 21st century.”

I know, right? If only there were some kind of material or substance that could be used to temporarily... conceal things on people’s skin. Could you imagine the things one could accomplish with that sort of miraculous substance? Ah, well.

>No guess about it, friend. Disliking that other people like things

Counterpoint: if you’re a corpse, you still have legs and are definitely still flammable.

If by “sketchy stuff” you mean file sharing sites and “unofficial”/pirated streams of HBO, sports, and the like, sure. Doesn’t have to be a porn site to have porn ads.

>Are you likely to see many cars from 1994 on the road now?

That looks to be closer to 30 degrees than 45 degrees.

zedo, we know you’re the ambitious sort, but for the last time: You can’t fit both Cheap-Bastard’s pole and your head up your ass at the same time.

Perhaps the second half isn’t that surprising. ARPANET was conceived of for military science purposes.

There was an old RSS reader for the iPad that worked with GReader that would actually save a copy of the original page for offline reading. That’s the one feature I would like added to Reeder.

It’s just some really weird writing:

>Being able to stay on top of my feeds using either my MacBook or my iPhone is my holy grail of RSS, but to date, I haven’t found a truly reliable way to realize that dream

>why are people butt hurt about the tranny?Because “tranny” is considered a slur?

Despite what everyone says, there were a few quirky manufacturers that mapped the turbo button to the higher clock speed, and engaging it did actually speed things up.

The problem is that it’s not bare titanium but rather has some kind of matte coating. Hence the warning about putting it in the same pocket as loose change or keys.

First a guy this serious about Pokémon has either a Pokémon Go Plus or Pokeball Both are cheap and either would notify him about the presence of a Pokémon without needing to look at a screen.