
Are these folks proceeding to dump the soda they got from the other side of the state line instead of drinking it?

Fining someone $500 over an apple is for a second offense.

The fact that she was fined $500 is important: first time offense is up to $300; second time offense is up to $500. Click on the Fruits and Vegetables tab:

Yep, it’s the perfect opportunity for folks living in Taiwan to practice their Chinese.

It is. These card-only places have you pay before getting the food. I suppose they figured out the occasional thrown-out order—for folks who only had cash—was a bearable cost.

There are restaurants at all sorts of price points that plainly state “No substitutions” on the menu. If you can’t handle that, don’t go there. Abusing the waitstaff in an attempt to get your way is a dick move, plain and simple.

If you have 1,000 people, the median is 500.5, not 505. Nice try, though.

“So what difference does being able to see them on our phone”

but it’s a dick move to invite someone you know isn’t comfortable spending that kind of money when you aren’t planning to pick up the tab.

CARB also previously overestimated the amount of deaths linked to diesel particulate matter exposure by 8,800 people.

Which version of the hardware is this?

Which version of the hardware is this?

If you take a hundred pound block of ice and drop it into a swimming pool fifty feet below you, it will indeed float, but only after initially plunging into the depths of the pool.

Sure. But that detail plus the following disclaimers on their site? Go check the papers for Meltdown and Spectre and see if they had statements like this:

Car wash? If Hajime-san wanted the finish ruined, he could just set Torako on the hood or roof.

Sure, just buy it from a competing brand, and make sure the chip isn’t powerful enough to generate a video stream on its own.

One of those indoor home cameras, I imagine.

In other words...

All that and more: some people will just trash the bikes, just like they do with regular bikes that have been securely locked up. A spite thing, I guess.

The Amex Platinum is not a credit card, it’s a charge card. You’re supposed to pay the whole thing off every month. If it’s really repeatedly turning on the pay over time feature, you’ve got grounds for a complaint, or maybe even a lawsuit.

The Amex Platinum is not a credit card, it’s a charge card. You’re supposed to pay the whole thing off every month.

>panly display!