
Sometimes, I want the gritty fantasy storytelling of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt without dealing with hundreds of hours of content or an open world map.

Pons is a Siniteen. Their big brains make them good for calculating the complex mathematics required for astro navigation and hyperspace jumping without the aid of a droid

If you’re forced to choose whether someone will help a homeless person on the verge of freezing to death, always vote “no.”

It’s probably for people who have Gamepass and have yet to play Avengers, which is probably a lot of people. Meanwhile in recent months I haven’t seen all that much hype for New World, if anything FF XIV has been getting much more discussion.

Came here for this. “I’m outraged at a thing that’s not a thing!” This article was not worth the calories.

What a stupid article. 

So I understand why it can be annoying but I’ve been saying that for years for what I suspect is the same reason. I’m an amateur baker and I have available to me far more desserts than I can safely consume. So I’m keenly aware of the downsides of consuming a slice of mediocre supermarket cake. Prue being a

Not defending Chris’s actions at all, but where is the line drawn where something that 1) didn’t happen recently and 2) is *relatively* minor be used to kill someone’s career? Should he be fired and then that’s his entire penance? Or is he blackballed forever and destined to work as a janitor?

Yesss, Zdarsky has really energised Daredevil. I’m hoping this one sticks the landing.

This Daredevil runs has been spectacular the whole time. Also I am really into all of the X-men stuff since they restarted stuff with the Red and Blue teams right before HoX and PoX

I’ve very much enjoyed Chip Zdarsky’s run on Daredevil, despite not being a huge “hornhead” (is that what they’re called? someone clue me into the hot lingo here), so excited for how that one plays out.

Bleah. What are you doing, TWD? What are we even doing here anymore?

Anyone who kept watching after Glen died is an idiot. This show has been garbage for years.

The return of the SNOOTY USHER!

This is a hill I’m willing to die on, Sebastian Stan should play post-Return Luke.

This is a hill I’m willing to die on, Sebastian Stan should play post-Return Luke.

Now they have my interest. This was much different than I was expecting.

Yep. AAAAALLLL of the weird shit.

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?