
Thanks for this. I’ve been debating on getting a set of snow tires for my GTI. We haven’t had much snow yet this winter (Long Island), and the all-season tires that are on the car now are adequate for the cold but pretty dry winter.

Pretty much same here, I don’t know if I would say in awe, but I thought they were kind of cool when they were new, and thought maybe I would like to get one when the depreciate a little.

I think this is a pretty Jalop story. Mr. Urambo was having trouble getting the car from Ron’s place, so I offered my trailer. We only know each other through the comment section, so I fully expected Urambo to decline my offer to help (being a weirdo from Jalopnik and all.) But, he accepted, so we met at Ron’s and got

take a good long and unflinching look david, this is your ghost of christmas future... if you do not right your wicked jeep ways you too one day will find yourself living in denial, standing in the centre of a junkyard talking about your ‘car collection’

Person with precarious financial automotive decision comes to website known for enabling horrible financial automotive decisions and expects us to say no.

Alright so I can add something here. I don’t wanna sell it as the juiciest thing, but:

I image that is the place where the saddest picnic ever takes place.

It’s time to bring back the Magic Tailgate that was on GM station wagons

People have always been slow to accept new ideas.

I always liked the tailgate on the fifth gen civic hatch

Way to make this not only political, but decided to generalize all NASCAR fans. I’ve been a NASCAR fan since I was around 8 years old. I didn’t vote for Trump and believe Moore is a piece of a shit. I also don’t yell “fuck yeah” after a wreck, and I’ve been to Daytona plenty of times in my life.

The disclaimer on a Daytona ticket says: “The holder of this ticket expressly assumes all risk incident to the event, whether occurring prior to, during or subsequent to the actual event, and agrees that all participants, sanctioning bodies, and all employees, agents, officers, and directors of Daytona International

I approve of this logic. If an intersection is iced over a few hops should break through, right? It’d work in a cartoon, that’s for sure.

I logged back in just to say COTD

Oh, I think we all know where this is going, don’t we?

This came back home from my son Otto’s first-grade class. It was a Thanksgiving assignment, where he had to write what he was thankful for.

3:07 engine start
3:10 phone down, shift into gear
3:27 seatbelt *click*

That was also their winning strategy in the firefighter-police softball game.

Uh, you can buy Bull Bars from almost everywhere. No LEO credentials required.