
Lesbaru Feminister.

Awwww maaaan... Now my shipment containing three 100 microFarad capacitors, one blow up doll, a bag of Funyuns, and three commemorative 2016 Olympic coins will be delayed!

EDIT:  Please allow us to delete our own comments when our drag & drop GIF doesn’t work correctly!

Cool only if these are used for load/unload:

My dad collected hundreds of antique pocket watches in his later years. He valued his collection at $50-70k. After he died we had several groups of highly interested antique watch collectors come bid on the collection. In the end it brought about $4500.

You serious about the safe deposit box?  There are several just like this on ebay for $50.

Perhaps. I think every company that has owned Jeep at any point in history has had trouble defining what exactly a Jeep was/is. I have a 1953 CJ3B but the only place on the vehicle where it says Jeep is on the dash board data plate, which also has the quotes. Willys is stamped into the hood, grille, and tailgate.

Because the quotes were part of their logo from 1945-1963. 1963 was the first year for the Wagoneer.

The sister car to my 1969 Chrysler 300.  I love the fuselage-bodied Mopars (1969-1973).

I use the paddle shifters in my 2018 Durango R/T all the time.  It’s the best way to encourage the ‘Hemi Fart’ that occurs between 1/2-3/4 throttle at 4-5k RPM.  It is a lovely thing.

Well.... shit.

Reserved ‘Nissan Versa or similar’ from Enterprise at BWI. Agent said they were out of that class, but he had a Charger. I said, “Same money.” “Yup”. “V6?” “Yup.” “Hmmm, that’s nice, but a Charger needs some get up. Got a V8 Charger?” “Yup”. “Same money?” “Yup.” Rock on!

I considered one but a Grand Caravan had higher towing capacity.

I run an authentic 1953 plate in MI.

That has the be the quickest a Promaster Van has ever accelerated.  0-70-ish in .003 seconds.

The last time I had to use my 8000W generator due to widespread storm damage, it ran for 4.5 days straight. I can’t imagine a simple battery bank being at all useful or equivalent to that.  But I can see where something like this may be just the ticket.

Solid ride all day long. Easy to repair. Nice Price

This car is the equivalent of outfitting your teen driver’s car with a Tullock’s spike:

I bought a brand new travel trailer in spring 2021. I figured I would have to spend a weekend on it making things right. Wrong... 80-some hours later I finally have it up to snuff so that it won’t fall apart or start on fire. There were numerous bad wire splices, missing welds on the frame, interior panels lightly

Holy fuck, that is beyond stupid. In fact, I’m gonna get some small bumper stickers made, “STUPID”, “I’m with STUPID” and stick them under the tail lights of Minis everywhere.