
The road arms and bogies were kind of flimsy IIRC.


When I worked in an Army ground vehicle prototype shop we had a couple of their earlier Ripsaw models in for evaluation. They were a little janky then, but it looks like they've matured the design quite a bit since that time.

I think Dollar General needs to sponsor a trim level.

And mystery electrical gremlins that plagued just about all Ford products through the late 80's and into the early 2000's.

Greenville, MI: Home of Electrolux, which makes vacuums.  Those products and this Explorer have a lot in common.

No underinflated Firestone Wilderness tires? NO DICE!  All or nothing.  Embrace the suck.

Perhaps he is taking the Lexmark approach. Give away the vehicle and charge a fortune for the consumables.

Do NOT crack a window or light a match when you’re done.

Tarted up Explorer is still a tarted up Explorer. ND

That lone blinky tail light...

That’s what zip ties or spring clamps are for.  Cruise control, baby!

There’s no way in hell the crossing arm was preventing the semi from moving.

Refrigerated food on the way to the orphanage.  Or dead bodies from the orphanage.  Depends on whether it was coming or going.

You could, but what you’d end up with is either essentially a wagon with a steerable front wheel or a caster on the front.  Either one would be subject to sway and some strange vehicle dynamics at high speed.

Video cut off too soon. Missed the parts with the swinging axe, stamping press, searing oven, and chopper/shredder.

A few years ago I bought a nearly identical 2000 Flagstaff 206LTD for $1400. I sold it this spring for $2500. No dice.

I banked all the money that I would have paid for child care in 2020 and used it to pay cash for a new travel trailer and had to upgrade my tow vehicle.  Luckily I bought just before prices went wild.  I should have waited to do my private sale of my old vehicle as I could have gotten about double had I sat on it for

Needs a couple of ‘MAX SPEED 55' sticker applied to the front.