
It looks like they are working on it. Since they have partnered with Valve VR I have been waiting/expecting something like that to come down the pipes.

I updated 8 computers yesterday in the office. Every Dual monitor required an update at minimum, most a restart before the graphics issues were fixed. In the scheme of things it is something really minor to need

I have used this to upgrade every PC in the office to 10. The biggest issue I have found with the update is that it has a bit of an issue with Dual monitors on start up. Simply go to device manager and tell it to update the video card drivers and it works fine.

Even if body cameras re-affirm the fact that what the police were in the right all it is still good. Good officers doing their job won’t need to have the constant fear of false prosicution doing their job. Citizens will hear less about bad cops as false stories will be called out as such, and the ones in the wrong are

Or most likely C. They don’t face death when they get caught.

Because unlike the US and Canada, China and Russia will just straight up murder them when they find the person. Well in China they will send you and possibly your family to a labor camp, in Russia you will just disappear. If your a foreigner you will meet an unfortunate accident from an overdose or the like. They only

It was in arena so he didn’t build a deck around it but every time I got my turn I had like 4 seconds left so I do believe that he noticed it and tried to take advantage of it rather than the full on exploit.

THAT is what he was doing. I was wondering why my turns we so short this morning. Went against someone that was summoning cards like this. Fortunately I decided my turn fast enough and did the same AGAINST him. Unintentionally.

Because then you would need to custom make each brick and line them up. With this you could have a 12” space and then any pipes 1”-12” will fit, you could also fit multiple ones next to each other rather than forming it. Also with the space any movement that they road does will be allowed. Lets say there is a minor

This. I had a reviewer that there was a fire protection code in the NFPA that he would NOT allow because his county did not specifically reference that code. Referenced the section but not that exact code so he wouldn’t allow it while all of his other co-workers would.

A few things I disagree with. Your pay is how easy/hard you are to replace. For most minimum wage jobs I can grab any highschooler, or hell even middle schooler annd teach them how to do the job in under a day. If you can be easily replaced, why should you be paid more. Also, if they are the only one that can provide

I’m 29 and I stopped using faxes about 3 years ago. Used them for a good 10 years prior to that. Still have to scan signed documents but I can E-mail them rather than fax

See I am a touch different. I have no issues with exclusives because to me those are what I consider system sellers. You dedicate it to one system and that is something to move that system. Exclusive content on the other hand I feel is greedy. The person makes a game, takes money from the console and then makes money

I think its ridiculous and sets a bad precedence. People were angry about the 1 month on CoD for Xbox and now it is considered norm and acceptable. By having a game like this do well it makes 1 year permissible and means we will still seeing more crazy exclusive content times on both systems.

I thought the game was great, but because of things like this and the way I felt as an Xbox customer I stopped playing before the first DLC hit (Even though I bought the digital bundle that had the DLC) because I didn’t like the way that they were treating their customers (Shitty feedback, less content for same cost,

I think we are still working on that, if you notice we have some hands that are starting to relay touch.

Its good in a sense that it is rewarding people who write good and details books. The big thing to note about this is that it seems like the Authors will be getting MORE than what they would originally be getting with the paid per book style as they had to set it at a certain price. And since they are saying read, and

If they had more games that they did this way there would be a LOT of people that purchased them right out. I know several games I would have bought the moment they announced them if they were available, but being a few months (Or even years) out means that my interest will dwindle and I am much less likely to buy

I personally lothe time exclusives. I am perfectly fine with pure exclusives like Gears of war or Uncharted, but timed is essentially telling one group of customers your not as important as THIS group.... but we still want your money.

Why does it feel like Google fiber is rolling out much faster than Fios in a fraction of the time?