
I honour your personal choice, but am pragmatic... ~smile~

Just as I honour vegetarians / vegans choices even though they are biologically omnivores....

Non-celiac gluten free, anti-vax, etc I have disdain for though —- but that is a different story

You recognise that human children developing (cow) milk lactose tolerance (and hence being more likely to survive) in what-is-now-Europe brought humans from hunter-gather mode to agrarian society - and then roads —> trading —> towns —> cities —> civilization —> technology such as medicine, Gawker comments, etc - yes?


Night soil taken away? ;)

Milk is WONDERFUL, could not let that pass...

Meanwhile, here in Denver, Royal Crest Diary keeps delivering to your door...

(they do better milk than web sites though...)

She is 51?!!

From that mugshot, I would added 15 years to that...

Tough life I guess...

Now there is porn film couple to cure porn addicts... ~shiver~

A word with a LOT of history, for instance the Arabic use (with one ‘f’)

Cleared the shelves at your local bodega of tin foil?

d’oh... Utah and Arizona, you know what I meant :)

Every time I see a photo of Tony Shaloub, I hear him saying:

When can I get ‘the book’ on Amazon?

I am an engineering geologist, I used to work in and around the Puget Sound, you MANY more things more viable to worry about that tham (i) this, (ii) BPA plastic water bottles, (iii) gluten, (iv), GMO foods, (v) etc; that is, don’t get risk / hazard get in the way of blatant scare mongering ~smile~

BTW, don’t get risk / hazard get in the way of blatant scare mongering ~smile~

BTW, don’t get risk / hazard get in the way of blatant scare mongering ~smile~

I am from New Zealand, lived and worked in Australia for six years, including on remote mine sites in the Outback - and yes, Australians are some racist ratbags, Wog this, Wog that, Abo this, Abo that, these indigenous tribes did not get the full vote until 1966 (!), the White Australia Policy in regards to

Sadly, for these sorts of kids, the parents actively ‘made’ them, what do they care?

1 —> 34: blech

What a load of toss, image-wise...

Signed: Engineering Geologist