
This is fascinating!

This is a bad deal for Boston. Twoway guards have never been more valuable. I don’t know what other players could have made the money for Hayward work, but seems like just about any of them would have been preferable to losing Bradley.

Draymond is going to destroy his soul.

Yeesh. That’s a legit lowlight reel. And Summer league is typically a place where your top prospects tend to dominate. That said, it’s just one game.

Is it true that as long as you enter an intersection on lawfully, with a green light, then you have the right of way? What about when people get trapped in the intersection because they began to cross without knowing it would be clear? Is that a lawful entry into the intersection, and do they have the right of way?

Nah, people who call refer to themselves as the mommy or daddy of an animal they bought are corny and weird.

I’d definitely consider a greyhound when I get my next dog. Is it true they can’t really be left off-leash outside the house? That makes me a bit leery.

Ah, he did say it was “painful” for himself, personally, so he’s definitely sharing in the sacrifice, just in terms of his feelings. So if you’ve lost your job, at least you know it hurt your boss more than it hurt you.

I used to go to the Caliente racetrack in Tijuana back in the day. I guess I had more in common with the dogs than I thought.

Because being a parent to a human being is a more involved process than being a dog owner? Because you can’t just dump a kid off if it’s having problems. Because you can’t just leave a kid with bowls of food and water while you go do your own shit all day. It’s like that bumper sticker that says, “All moms are working

Could have sworn you just said it was something that made sense.

LOL. I always thought rescue was for the organizations which actually, you know, rescued dogs from kill shelters and fostered and adopted them out? Like, to me, that is a true rescue. The dog was going to get the lethal injection, but someone swooped in, found a foster home for it, and looked for a permanent owner.

Dog ownership is fantastic, particularly shelter adoption. But man, does the mommy/daddy shit drive me crazy. It’s creepy and weird, and it denigrates actual motherhood and fatherhood.

It seems like a lot to me, but salaries have gotten so apeshit this offseason (better than it going to guys like Dolan) that I don’t really know anymore.

What if Ricky Rubio could shoot? This guy’s passes look a lot like Rubio’s, but he’s a career .385 shooter from 3 in Europe. Should be a pretty good player.

Hey, I am sure he’ll be able to replicate the incredible management feats of winning the lottery 4 times in 11 years, and having one of those picks be one of the best players of all time, and also a local kid. No problem.

This is just so stunningly stupid. He’s spending a record sum on payroll and luxury tax, but he’s trying to dodge a couple of million dollars when it comes to surrounding those players with the best possible infrastructure? It’s dumb. And it might make Lebron leave even more quickly, which is when it’s even MORE

Damn. Now that I’ve read that Player’s Tribune article he wrote, I like Dion Waiters now. He is cool and good.

If you’d have told me 10 years ago that Adrian Beltre would become a universally-beloved, future HOFer, there’s no way I would have believed it. The second half of his career has been amazing.

Always learn something new from Ken Burns!