
Jimmy Butler is absolutely the kind of two-way star the Cavs need to compete with the Warriors. I still think they need to move Love, but swapping Kyrie out for Butler would instantly make them better, and more troublesome for the Warriors.

Isn’t Embiid a free agent (restricted) after this upcoming season, his 4th? For the sake of basketball, I hope he is able to get to a place where he is mostly healthy. But damn, I don’t think anyone knows how much of a commitment he’s worth right now.

Keith Hernandez is good.

Brian Windhorst wrote that Lebron wasn’t consulted on the Blatt firing either, so you know, I’d take that with a grain of salt. Hard to imagine the Cavs aren’t doing what LBJ wants, so maybe he was full of shit when he publicly endorsed Griffin.. Or maybe Gilbert is already tired of catering to Lebron’s whims

Korea seems like an underrated country for fat dudes. I’ve seen some of their baseball players, and they’re most impressive.

Damn, there is something so compelling about watching the slow-mo facial reactions to nut shots. That half-second of amused recognition right before the agony begins.

It’s a really good read. A totally disastrous move, but one that made some sense at the time. One thing the article points out is that the Pierce deal was not the killer. It was the Garnett move that cost them multiple first rounders because of the contract shedding they had to do with it. And I don’t think anyone

One of the smaller, pettier joys of this year’s finals was watching Deron Williams completely shit the bed.

Why in the hell would Indiana agree to trade PG for Kevin Love, an older, inferior player who has just had his flaws displayed for the entire world to see? Given PG’s impending free agency, Indiana may not get a superstar’s ransom, but surely they can do better than Kevin Love.

Even though Kershaw is a Dodger, which should make him a very bad man (see: Garvey, Steve), he is in fact, mostly very good. So confusing for Giants fans.

I think the best evidence this isn’t likely to be much of a contest is the fact that Mayweather is doing it in the first place. I won’t buy it, but I’d watch it if I got the chance. It’s hard for me to have much interest in anything Mayweather does these days, but as you write, the spectacle will be something.

Based on all I heard and saw, I would have voted guilty if I was a juror. Seemed like plenty of evidence. I think the DA is doing the right thing in re-charging, assuming Constand is OK with going again. She has been very brave.

Yeah, the national team is where Lebron, Wade and Bosh supposedly got the idea to form a definitely not a super team.

Actually, considering Lebron’s thin skin and how notoriously serious he takes himself, it seems far more likely Draymond is in HIS head than vice versa. I mean, isn’t that why Lebron is running around trying to pretend he didn’t start a superteam in Miami (or in his return to Cleveland)? Sour grapes, and self-soothing

I generally, support juveniles being tried as juveniles, but I think homicide cases involving 17 year olds should involve some stiff ass prison sentences.

Manslaughter is frequently used as a charge without the offender directly, physically harming the victim. The White Snake show in Rhode Island. The club management charged, and convicted (I believe) of manslaughter. Same will likely happen soon with the Ghost Ship Fire in Oakland. The two public health officials in

His Dad was a nice player, too. He had a nice all around game. He’d probably be more appreciated these days.

Darren Baker was probably a bit too young to be a bat boy, but man, was he cute. After the incident, MLB raised the minimum age to like 14. I remember the Dusty Baker Giants always had young kids in the dugout and around the team back in those days. It was charming. I really have a lot of fond memories of Dusty Baker.

Oh, I don’t know. He said he didn’t want to rent his properties to black and brown people. That should rank pretty goddamn high considering the damage of housing discrimination.

I was going to say... Wasn’t Lithuania the fun, joyous, Grateful Dead jersey wearing, rock and roll, basketball boys? Now they’re the no more than 2 blacks on the team, racist boys?