
Yeah, I have to nitpick with them calling the antelope David to the giraffe’s Goliath. The antelope has horns, and is used to ramming shit. What the hell does a giraffe do in a fight?

Oof, that’s a tough question. Big time sports, in general, just seems to lead to some insane corruption.

The only thing more tone deaf than this column is the idea politicians have been expressing in the last 24 hours, that, “What the country really wants/needs is to see politicians being nicer to each other in public,” when so much of the current anger is about just how much unity there is between them in private.

I don’t know. It was pretty special here in the Bay Area!

Draymond definitely had the proper response to Lebron’s corny, self-serving bullshit about never having been on a super team. Lebron can never fail. He can only be failed. Lame ass.

This is actually the first year since probably ‘04 that I haven’t bought the annual. I’m not sure if I will.


The best part will be when Trump pretends he doesn’t even want them to come, to protect his pathetic ego. What a dipshit. It would certainly be the first time he didn’t want famous people to pretend to be his friend.

+1 shoots like Steph, big like Klay, old like Jerry West

It is absolutely crazy to me that while just about every corporate entity in the world is figuring out how to appeal to LGBT folks, and get into their wallets, FIFA has basically said, “Nah, fuck ‘em,” with Russia/Qatar.

Yeah, he will help them for sure.

Jerry West’s arrival with the Warriors coincided with the Warriors’ ascendance. I sure appreciate everything he did here.

Back-to-back World Cups in Russia and Qatar really do make the whole anti-racism/discrimination posturing look empty and hypocritical.

Enjoy the next 6 months of “Kobe, tell me how my ass taste,” from Warriors fans, you miserable, Lebron-jocking motherfuckers.

He plays too large a role for the Cavs, and makes too much money, but considering the Cavs were forced to play the corpse of Deron Williams (embarrassingly bad) serious minutes in the finals, he was probably the best choice. I think he can be a useful player.

This whole “changing societal ethics” thing is bullshit to begin with, but boy does it sound dumb considering he’s being tried for something he’s alleged to have done in 2005.

Yes! Perhaps Draymond and David West could have a private meeting with Trump and a cabinet member of his choice.

Lebron was just breathtaking, and as a Warriors fan, I hated every single minute of it. I cannot understand how a man can play that many minutes, virtually all of them grueling and requiring almost unimaginable amounts of stamina, toughness and strength, and still be essentially unstoppable in the final moments of a

It’s all a Lebron pity fuck for Cleveland anyway. After he left the first time, they burned his jerseys, and wrote comic sans letters and shit, and were all about true grit and not taking the easy way out.... but they couldn’t kiss his ass fast enough the minute he hinted he might come back. Now the fans pretend they

Actually, this all rules.