
Lebron has spent the past 7 years of his career essentially surrounding himself with the most talented teammates in the world. He was out-hustled at his own game by this Warriors team.

Based on the 30 seconds of highlight footage played during the draft, I am prepared to say this guy will be good.

This IS a difficult situation for everyone involved. Obviously, there’s a victim of a heinous crime, and how she feels seeing this young man’s name and story come up, potentially well into the future.

I think Mike Breen is excellent. Totally deserving of his spot as the PbP man on the #1 broadcasting crew in the NBA.

Growing up, I always loved the French Open most of all. Playing tennis on clay is a huge part of it, but also that it was a tournament that favored non-American players. It was fascinating to me.

How awesome is that? An unranked player wins her first pro tournament and it’s the French Open. I bet even she didn’t think she had a chance to win the whole dang tournament 2 weeks ago.

The Cavs deserved to win the game. They played better. Unbelievable shooting, and their best defensive game of the series by a mile. They were sensational.

I don’t even want to be slamming those older teams. Some of them were amazing, and I’d rather celebrate them for their great accomplishments.

By far the most ridiculous of these to me are the ‘04 Pistons. That wasn’t even that long ago. It was towards the end of the “abysmal shooting era” that made up the late 90s/early 00s. Detroit shot .435/.344/.753 that year, while only shooting 968 3s. The 2017 Warriors shot .495/.383/.788, with, um, 2563 3PAs. The

That actually might help to explain why Lonzo sits there like he took a couple bars of xanax while his dad is talking and talking during their interviews.

God is it dumb listening to old players talk about how their teams would have thrashed the Warriors. I hope the Warriors don’t do it to future teams.

Oh shit, I didn’t know Kurt Eichenwald was a pro Overwatch player.

To be clear, though, the drugs he gave to Constand and other women were NOT actually benadryl, right? That’s just Cosby’s 2005 version?

Yeah, it’s nonsense. But the hot take industry runs on turning everything into a test of character. Losing an athletic contest becomes a personality flaw.

And of course, the Love for Wiggins trade when he first arrived, which looks pretty shitty in retrospect... Wiggins is on his rookie deal, AND he’d cause more problems for the Warriors than Love does.

That’s exactly it. The way he swings his dick around, and then throws his hands up and pretends he has nothing to do with any of that when things don’t go as planned.

None of the Warriors big 3 were on their entry-level contracts going into this season. Klay and Draymond were both on max deals, and Curry was in the last year of his second deal (a great deal for the Warriors, but well more than entry level).

Fortunately, it’s been pointed out! They’ve mentioned it on all the broadcasts, which is nice to see. He’s been outstanding. Even with Irving’s big game last night, how many of those points came off circus finishes which can’t be pinned on bad defense?

Meh, he probably would have just kicked it out to Shumpert or something anyway.

The biggest difference between the Warriors and the rest of the league is their talent, obviously. But short of acquiring 4 All-NBA level players, teams can try to mimick their culture, which is unselfish, supportive and relentlessly hard working. I don’t think people appreciate just how amazing it is. Again, it’s the