
How do you pronounce Rhyse?

Holy cow. I used to have to "build" these just about every day at a Toy 'R Us. The $10 dollar assembly fee charged for them is more than worth it because of all the stupid stickers. I admittedly would skip out on some non essential stickers, especially if one of them ripped or something.

I've heard the CR-Z was really amazing at small tight courses; like autocross.

Sooooooo is the woman from Florida, just living in Memphis currently?

I'd wager more than that!

So let me get this straight... life got in the way of buying a cheap motorcycle off craigslist, but didn't get in the way of spending two years reproducing that same cheap motorcycle that will completely unusable?

Because it doesn't even come in beige!

With the way the company is going now... this one is now the black sheep...

It's amazing what a weight difference can do. My parents full size van was hit on the front right corner when a guy didn't stop at a stop sign. We barely had any damage what so ever on the van, but the car that hit us was pretty much totaled.


This car checked all of your boxes for what you are looking for for your next car! You have a something like 60k budget for your next car, so you can buy this for probably 11k now and then you still have 49k worth of repairs that you can do before you reach your limit!

It's actually at 3:19.

I don't know if this really counts, one because I'm in the grey because apparently I suck still, two because it isn't technically automotive, but it does move you, and three because it is still just an idea (like the question asked for) and not an implementation as inferred from the lead answer.

You guys are all doing it wrong. The question was for IDEAS, not things implemented... so for an idea that hasn't been implemented.... I'm still saying flying car. And because it'll be done in just two more years.

That little tip is usually on all of those buzzfeed life hack list things. I still can't believe people don't know about them.

Me and my fiance drive home for every holiday from NYC to Detroit. SOOOOOO much better than dealing with flying, especially since we have two dogs that would cost 250 round trip to bring along as well.

From yesterday... Monster trucks breaking the speed record.

The guy that just leans on whatever car he is next to when he wants to stop and talk.

Two suggestions that I didn't see on the front page of suggestions that I feel would be pretty good for your situation.

It would have been better if they were able to drive the power wheels while the truck was on them as well!