
Treating it like satellite TV would require you to still need the wifi password to each coffee shop because they would each need their own satellite to broadcast through their shop.

I just like the idea of not having to ask for the WiFi password every time I go into a new coffee shop. Then again, satellite-driven GPS doesn't work indoors... so we'll have to wait and see how they're planning to send signal from space through walls and ceilings.

maybe he bought it for tree fitty! then he's not lying when he said he didn't buy it for a dollar!

I guess I could say a Goldwing. Because My dad has had one for the last... Many many years so when I was a wee little kid he would take me everywhere on the back of it. I've loved motorcycles ever since.

The file cabinet one was the best. The whole time I was wondering where you were going with it, then bam! File Cabinet.

Your analogies are the best. You should do a part two of this. My slap happy self could really use it.

I don't think Honda knows. So I think my 2038 model year prediction is probably accurate.

I think my point stands even more now!

Does Tony Stark's NSX count as a future car because it'll finally get released in 2038?

Rat Race. The whole movie was one big race. The betting scenes are probably the best.

Exactly! I worked at a bank for 3 years. They don't check them either. When we receive money from the Fed we don't get a list of serial numbers either. We get a sheet of paper that says you got this amount in 100's, 50's, 20's, 10's, 5's, 1's. We verify that, and throw it in the vault.

This happened in my hometown, except I'm 98% sure there was a crash that caused the mass exodus of money flying around cars stopped on the freeway shutting down for the cash grab.

A Miatini.

I've had two, both times deal with driving in the rain.

Maybach. Very hard to to differentiate from an over priced Merc. Which is the reasoning for stopping the brand.

I used to dream of going there back when I skateboarded. I guess now that I'm into cars it's not totally out of the question!

That thing was supposed to fly?!

For a completely pre planned fight I was expecting some sort of respect, due to reading the article before watching the video. Then I saw the guy kicking the dude curled up in the fetal position's face 5 times and pounding on the back of his head, and realized... oh yeah.. this is Russia.

We'll be seeing you, in a few months.

I saw a preview for the episode and only saw the first commercial, then I watched the full episode was laughing even more when they kept continuing it on. Nailed it.