
Noooooo... I think your utter BS was worse.

You say things like they make sense but in fact it’s abundantly clear you don’t have 1/2 a clue about Aston or Strolls impact on the corporation...... But it’s ok, you go on there pal.

I say Stroll stepped in to save a company that was in free Jan...right before

that might be the dumbest post I have ever read.

I really don’t understand the headline or tone of the article.

Stroll has basically taken over Aston and is focused on growing the brand including becoming a works F1 team.... again Billionaire......who stepped in to save the company and turn it around....his steps to reorganise and reinvigorate the company are fresh

While I agree that there is a certain amount of absurdity to bylaws like this... You went too far.

There is a multitude of reasons we don’t allow scrap yards in the suburbs. One rusted out hulk you are working on? ok, two? Sure if you need one for swapping and it’s a short term project....Three rusted out junkers? maaa

disagree. TG is about Cars. CH is a great presenter who can actually drive and talk with knowledge and passion. I’ll gladly watch CH do his thing. the others?...mehb but it’s still about cars...TGT(which I also love and watch) is about the three personalities......

The point is your OP wasn’t about it “not working for you” it was a General “It doesn’t work in Texas” but it does. And when presented that argument, you shifted the goal posts to reflect your own personal reasons it wouldn’t work (mostly uninformed BS reasons that were still debunked easily but, lets ignore that for your anecdote is evidence that small town people can’t and should not own Teslas....but mine is irrelevant...

You IP stated that a Tesla wouldn’t it a a viable road trip vehicle across TX.”...tons of evidence to show that your IP was full of shit and that there are plenty of ways the car could work for

yeah.... I have a connection to some peopl who own a Model S and a Model 3 here in Manitoba Canada. 93% as big as texas with WAAAAAY more empty space...6 people/square mile opposed to 111 people /sq mile in Texas.

They routinely drive around the rural portions of the country, go on long distance trips, drive gravel

Not sure about the US but here in Canada the Boler trailer is a prime candididate for restoration. it seems like every single on I see has been restored.

sorry. i know it’s cool and all to hate....

But I loved this. don’t care about the “setup” but I didn’t care about the setup in the “original”. don’t care about the “plot” of this one. don’t care about the Prince or LeClerc....or their acting abilities. Don’t care about the Ferrari sales pitch..I don’t care that it’s

You know satire is a thing right?

Imagine if they pronounce it however the hell they want. then what would you and your linguist do.......

I have never understood car prices,,,,maybe you can help.

A salesman at my local Ford dealership told me that they only have a Few thousand in a car and 2000 bellow sticker was impossible. I’ve heard much the same before from others...”There’s just not that much room in a car’s price, I need to make something too!” etc

Agnew isn’t just another Trekkie with dreamy eyes.”

That right there...... so derogatory and dismissive.....You might be surprised to find out how much of the machines and tech you interact with daily were created by Trekkies with dreamy eyes.

I think you are 12, maybe 13 years old.

I think you don’t have a clue what you are saying. I think you don’t have any understanding of history, economics, or politics. I think your daddy told you socialism is bad and that’s as far as you could intellectually go.

Bragging about success and education. Overcompensating much? Swearing and hurling Ad-Hominem attacks and insults with nary a cogent argument presented.........Yep that 100% sounds the opposite of every well educated person I’ve ever met.

From your utter failure to examine the way things work in the rest of the

Hey you piece of dogshit ignorant ass-hat, boyfucking, conservative half-brained, piece of dogshit cunt face hick. go fuck your sister/mother and let the grownups talk.

nope but if you split the cheque evenly everybody gets a fair portion

But, there is such a thing as 50% less per-capita spending , Universal healthcare that provides better outcomes than for profit , with no personal debt. that is a thing