

Stats don’t lie. they undermine your personal anecdote. I’m so glad “you got yours so fuck everyone else’ type attitude is working out.FOR YOU.

..go look at the numbers. they agree with me.

yes we triage everyone gets equal service. the rich don’t get thier tummy tucks while the poor die in the alley out back..... I can’t speak to your issues in Montreal, Ive never had a medical issue there. I know that my family in Ottawa/Gatineu don’t seem to have that problem. maybe it’s just big city

Youare full of shit. So full of shit. I live here I pay my taxes I’m 50 years old and have been working since straight out of university. My family and extended family have had battles with canceer emergency surgery, and chronic health issues I know the medical system inside and out. My wife is a nurse. one of my

ummm no it’s a lie. according to Revenue Canada if you make over $214K a year your base tax rate before deductions is 33%.
that’s the highest tax bracket. most middle class pay closer to 20% so yeah a lie.

also the 51% Income tax is a huge lie. like appallingly huge. 

I live here. I pay those taxes. compared to my sister in the USA I have a better standard of living at half the cost. and none of my family members were denied coverage for an existing condition like her husbands family were...but by all means keep spewing horseshit.

wait till you find out about our free healthcare and maternity leave

HA!!! that deserves a star

here’s the funny part..

Everyone in the comments is debating this like it’s a problem for individuals who make good/bad choices and losing the car is the worst case scenario.........

This is the pebbles that cause the landslide... 25% payment deferal/overdue/ default...that is unheard of.

8% is what sunk the banks on

I guess if you think people only want silver and missed the part where people actually do want colours for their cars Which i think is pretty obvious. keep an eye on your local dealer,watch how quickly the “rarer” colours get snapped up or ask a salesman about it. (they always go first.) . Which is what in

It’s the dealers. fault 100%.

Most people buy the car on the lot. The dealers want to sell of their stock. So they want to have 1 car that will sell to almost anyone who walks on the lot.

If you have 10 purple,10 red,and 10 green cars etc,that’s great....but when you only have 6 purple cars left you have to sit on that

then my advice to you is the same

none I don’t go to COSTCO ever not even once. in my life have I set foot in one. I choose to support my local small grocery stores, butcher shops, bakeries and pharmacies. keeping my money in the local economy as opposed to going to some shitty megamart.

1. you have no clue if you think you won’t be touched. this isn’t 2008 this is 1920's level. we are what a few weeks into what is likely a 7 month long shutdown. 8% mortgage failure almost destroyed the banks in’s gonna be much much worse, and the government is burning cash already.there won’t be enough for a

I guess I’m Old.

Groceries you should buy groceries. Staples like rice and beans and flour. Maybe seeds for your garden.

I love it when the utter failure of the government and Neoliberal-economics can be re-spun as a feel-good story.

So you drove a car....and are commenting on a thread IronButt riding.......

If’ you’d have been born with wings you would be a bird.and you could fly to mexico instead of taking a plane right.......

it’s like 1500% easier to do that in a car than on a bike you are comparing apples and electric screwdrivers....

sooo it’s almost exactly like my 2013 Civic.....awesome.

HAHAHAHAHAHA111 buy a car when the economy is about to collapse!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
