
If it was a fastback I’d agree. It isn’t, I don’t. 

its the Merc. the Merc is prettier  by like 100000%.

came here for this. have a star!

the way the door just a bout pulls itself out of it’s frame @ 2:34....Yikes!

came here for this. have a star.

I have a summer cottage in a lake community where Golf-carts are the preferred weekend transportation device....
Heading down to Rob and Janet’s for a bonfire? Hop in the golf-cart... Running down to the beach for a swim? Hop in the golf cart. Ride up to the top of the hill to get good cell reception? Hop in the golf

fake car , planned fire. the “goal” was to swindle investors

You: “I would like my 199,000 Porsche Taycan Turbo please. here’s my money.”
Porsche Dealer....”Did you want floor mats? because that’s extra, and also we don’t have the base model in stock so you need to get this one with upgraded seat stitching, another $4500 and it has the “good wheels” so that’s another $4500, oh

Not sure if you read the article. but it sure seems like you are confusing apples and oranges.

the 34000 lbs is a static weight test to the upper frame of the unit...the 3lb object fired into the windscreen at 220 MPH addresses your question about “holes and Shattering” it’s funny to me that you “as an engineer” are

Sooooooo....we just entirely crib the story from another web content provider’s hard work, throw in a couple of quotes from a third writers work, paste in some links and call it an article now?

Do you get paid to do this? ‘Cuz I’d get fired if i did something like this.

“Normally that wouldn’t warrant digital space on this website”

right because normally you would need that digital space for a Torchinsky article about the variety of lumins measured in the left headlights various VW’s.

It’s probably worth it for the Aluminium alone. add in the easily replaceabledrive train and the rugged mil spec frame and rarity. at that price (or the lowball price I’d offer) why not!

Focus groups don’t lie.

I’m sorry. I know there are a lot of Chevy fans out there.....but seriously WTF is Wrong with you people?? and the design department at Chevy? Gawd those trucks are FUGLY! ad it’s not just the special editions..the entire lineup is gross.

I used to dream of cars and imagine having my very own “weekend car”A real sports-car I could thrash about in..A 911 or something powerful and nimble........then I bought a motorcycle. for a fraction of the cost....Now I don’t really care about 0-60 or HP#s. Now, all of the time I used to spend car shopping

Where we’re going you don’t need windshields!!!!

immediately drives into climate controlled hermetically sealed storage facility.

What more were you hoping for?”

Comfort,build quality, reliability. sucked, in every concievable way. the materials were shit, the build quality was shit, the power and handling were was a shitty car.

yeah yeah...and yet Faraday Future,was always just a year away....
Let alone Bright Automotive, AMP, Aptera, Coda Fisker the list does go on......

Don’t get me wrong I love the idea and hope they succeed......but it’s pretty obvious there wasn’t a solid plan in place to bring these to market and now like all the other