
how does it feel to be so demonstrably objectively wrong. It’s a fucking awesome film.

welll as I’ve repeatedly stated...they did in the past.

except people like you seem to have rewritten history into a bunch of fancy tea parties where everyone was a happy little camper and didn’t cause any trouble. and then things just pow changed magically one day

well continue actions. as they grow political pressure will grow and hopefully in the end legislation will follow. Kinda like the civil rights protests and riots...or the suffragettes.... or the union movements. All of whom engaged in civil unrest and disruptive protests. as I’ve stated.

Isn’t blocking the roads going to mess up the busses? Wait busses are public transport...oh no! Maybe road blocks that only let busses through...Maybe only hippies and SJW’s get a pass...Some kind of permeable membrane with magical “people responsible” powers....I mean some of the people in the cars you want to stop

Your solution is to “block the highways”. What the fuck does that even mean in LONDON for fuck sakes. your plan is so flawed it’s NOT EVEN WRONG. it would take an army to do that.

I hear you spout a lot about what a protest “shouldn’t do” What, pray tell, is your suggestion as to what they should do?

Because as I’ve said I’m a (doing the maths... it’s actually ) 37 year veteran of participating in Climate/pollution related protests....and in that time not much has happened from all of

So your view is that protest should only do things that don’t inconvenience anyone, obey all laws and rules, and never ever interfere with someone having a nice productive working day and heavens-t0-betsey for sure don’t interrupt your daily commute because its all so important. You might miss 5 minutes of

Block up public transit in London and you block up the streets. you shut down the trains& busses you bring the city to a stop.

Highways? In London......What the hell are you even talking about? It’s clear
you are stuck in your own frame of reference and don’t have a clue what the rest of the world looks like. You seem

Yeah I think the Republicans Made a deal with the Russian devil and are now in over their heads...Trump brought the Russians in to “fix” the election and the racist homophobic sexist evangelicals got Pence, who is the one doing the actual heavy lifting in the Whitehouse, like Cheny before him. I think they were

I actually think there is a “first cause” for the ride of neolibrlaist fascisim in America.

Ohhhh. You are the one person that matters in that situation... I see......Oh wait.... I dont give a shit. because it’s NOT ABOUT YOU. It’s not about any one or 100 or 100000 people. It’s about sending a message to billions. sending a message to people like me who live in shit-ass backwards small towns full of redneck

What the fuck does that even mean?
If the plan is to disrupt as many daily lives as possible to draw attention to your protest and cause....daily lives will be disrupted. THAT IS THE FUCKING POINT...  

Now playing

because dangerous things don’t attract crowds......

7 moronic replies.

The whole point of these protests is to disrupt and shutdown the city. Block traffic, make it impossible for EVERYONE to “just go about their business”. because being polite and marching with permits and following the rules HASN’T ACCOMPLISHED A GOD DAMNED THING in the last 20+ years. it wasn’t

This might be the dumbest take on civil disobedience. A common argument from the ignorant& privileged.

It’s like saying to Rosa Parks:
“Making all those nice white-people late for work by sitting in the wrong section of the bus isn’t a good way to win them over to your cause.”

It’s not about making friends, being

By “competitor”, I can only assume they mean “Some other guy cooking meth and laundering the money with a bogus company?”

To y’know sell bikes...which is one thing they actually don’t do very much of.

they can...but electric is cheaper lighter and faster so why bother.  VW is all in on electric

This woman is a HERO!!! YOU HEAR ME?  A GOD DAMNED HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!