Dr Regina Phalange

When will you be done? We think we can delay for an hour or two and still get the game done in 1/2 days if you're up for it later?

Risk! Chatovod! People! Come!

Attention all Risk players: I am just leaving the gym now, so I will be 10 minutes late.

The Australian - right-leaning newspaper - online has redone their 404 pages with 404-infused quotes from Australian politicians:

Spotlight >>>>>>> The Big Short.

Cutest Ham for Ham ever?

I live in hope that Spotlight will win. The PGA's can't take my unwavering dedication from me! Though you're probably right and it will win which sucks because Spotlight at least for me is better on every level. Ah well.

See, the BAFTA's often do better picks - Boyhood over Birdman, Brokeback over Crash.

They finished filming the Looking movie like … a few months ago!

It is in Risk!

"Hail drreginaphalange19! All Hail Caesar! You came, you saw, and you conquered. And you didn't even burn anything down. You have defeated Stephen77, loki1001, Tereglith, and UnregisteredGuyNamedEric and gained 98 points. The road to victory took you 27 turns in 14 days and 16 minutes. As a Corporal, you must have

The Republicans are debating tonight. The shitstorm will be gaining speed.

Oh man so many ships where to begin ….

We had to put Max down just under a year ago as his heart and liver were enlarged and inflamed. It fucking sucked, I was in Canberra when it happened, but at the ended of the day it was what was best for him. He wouldn't have lived much longer and it would've been in very bad quality. We put his ashes in the pot with

Congratulations Janine!

Well I know one question for my next trivia!

My record is 8 back to back times.

I find that whenever I do a Daria rewatch, I tend to rewatch it twice. I am actively trying not to do that this time around.