Dr Regina Phalange

I haven't read Archie Comics, but as someone who partially falls into this category/definition, it's really exciting to see some representation:

I moved back to uni, so my time has been a bit limited, but what I will be writing down in my pop culture journal is ….

I am for breakfast being served at every meal.

I forget you guys go crazy about this each year.

I could, but my medicare rebate might make you sick.

We also have universal health care and a less polarised political system.

That's amazing.


Inarritu won the DGA. The fight just got closer, looks like the BAFTA's might matter a lot more this year.

Iowa Week coverage there was great.

The Good Wife has already done Ham Sandwich/Another Ham Sandwich, so the mustard will compliment the ham beautifully! Or some tomato chutney ….

If the Republicans are smart, they'll nominate Rubio. I think they'll nominate Cruz. Edit: Rubio's the only one who could beat either of the Dems, but I don't think they'll nominate him.

another update: all games are loaded, but this took me 6 hours, so uh yeah … would appreciate if we could finish 'em off cause this is just draining.

ok so i was able to play in rome, but that took 3 hours so this might be my last games of risk with you guys when i'm at uni cause this isn't going to work :(

Attention to all Risk players: I am currently experiencing some serious internet problems at uni in that the pages are not loading. I am attempting to load Rome, and am probably going to ditch the Balkans on account of it not being able to load. But I will play on in Rome if I can! Will update you all if the situation

earliest would be next week, but more probably is the saturday the week after.

i don't know when i can trivia again, but i'll let you know in a few days.

dammit the one area i really love and i can't make it this weekend :(