Dr Regina Phalange

I have around a minute of really good audio/video of The Mother We Share if you're interested in me emailing it to you?

They may have come on 15 minutes late, but Chvrches played a bloody brilliant 17 song set tonight in Sydney. There really wasn't a weak link in their setlist and I was perfectly happy not hearing songs that I kind of wanted to hear because I love them so as they would've muddled with the feel of the night.

From the Letterboxd Newsletter:

That. Would. Be. Completely. And. Utterly. Awesome.

As long as I'm in another state while it's happening, that actually does sound like a fairly decent argument.

….. it's 49.7/49.7 right now.

Probably means there's more uncommitted/other votes than for him. Jim Gilmore is running 107 points behind 'other', so I guess same for O'Malley in some areas.

Rubio is incredibly deceptive in his presentation of his views and while viewed as the establishment's best chance, he's still incredibly conservative and unfortunately the only one who could seriously beat Clinton or Sanders.

I would recommend these two counts:

Depends on the site you're following but it's done that a *lot*.

It's been rising and falling a lot. They're also saying that O'Malley supporters would be more likely to go to Sander over Clinton, so we'll see.

Closest it has been is 0.2%.

I didn't think he'd hit more than 18/19%. With nearly 90% of the votes counted he has 23% and within 1.4% of Trump.

Yeah, our freedom of speech laws have huge clauses that are designed to work against these sorts of people. The Immigration Minister has indicated that the 'main' guy, or as I call him in my head Chief Dickhead, would be denied a visa, which is pretty standard these days.

There are 3 meet ups in Sydney. I'm just glad I'll be in Canberra on Saturday.

Vulture's 100 Jokes that Shaped Modern Comedy:

It also won the Editing Guild's award for Best Drama which helps it a lot. I'm still going for Spotlight, but it would be rather awesome to see an Australian film win.

Thank god.

Hey, are you still playing Risk with us? You're up in both games.

You speak the truth, Eric. Murray's brother won the mens doubles last night C'MON MURRAY