Dr Regina Phalange

Best Australian Open Women's Final in a very long time.

ANU Film Group screening list is out for first semester and so far there are 37 movies on my list with 3 maybes. Best $70 I'll spend down in Canberra for sure.

So today I saw Spotlight!

They will tear each other into pieces/Jesus Christ this will be fun:

The only reason I knew it existed is because there's one in ….

wait what i go to one of those ever other week how did i not know this

S5 hasn't even come out here yet :(

Just don't write in 'God'. The Republicans count that for them.

Bernie's making a play for Nevada, which he needs post I/NH to stay in the race, but I can't really see him winning anything else past that …

I'm pretty sure the secret service would be allowed to kill him if he tried to do that in the White House ….

See, now I'd want to be part of that tour. Imagine the biases!

You also think a country of 310M+ would listen to a guy they barely have heard of?

You think it's a good idea for our PM - who not so long ago became PM - to go and piss of a potential future head of state? Funnily enough, the PM met with Rubio and Clinton I believe when in Washington.

Oh, I personally hate the guy and would love to see him embarrassingly lose, but we as a state tend to be able to stay neutral in these things.

America, we keep trying to stay neutral on you and your race, and I know this is a stretch, but Cruz: could you please get your facts straight? I know that's hard for you and most of your colleagues, but this line of attack against our incredibly effective gun control is a lie and not to mention horrifically wrong.

I listened to The Book of Mormon a few weeks back! Very good soundtrack. Fun quirk of musical theatre is that it and Spring Awakening share a song title … I Believe. SA> BoM.

Pretty obvious answer, but my medical history. It's fun to surprise/horrify/freakout people, teachers and medical professionals alike!

Those drop shots were plain awful.

Thanks Quirky! My godsister had hers out a few years ago too, and mum thinks that if I get the all clear from a surgeon then it's a good idea to move forward with.