Dr Regina Phalange

For a while it's looked like The Big Short vs Spotlight with Revenant as the dark horse, so it looks like it's kind of reverted back to that?

One of my friends just expressed a desire to go and see The Danish Girl, saying that it looked good. I felt a moral duty to link her to Glaz's review. Her reaction? 'I don't want to see this any more'. Thank you once again Glaz. I feel like I achieved my moral duty for the day,

Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back to you. Uh … if she does well, we'll make sure you guys know we have a claim on her.

That made my mum laugh, Occam. The highest of kudos to you.

Works fine for me.

The 8th season won the Best Comedy Series Emmy, but I find it to be very underrated by most too.


That's true. When I take back Hispania, I'll probably propose some truces with you.

You sure that's not a self-description there? But seriously, thank you. I really appreciate it.

Ok, no. She's wildly miscast in it and has … 1 great moment, another one that's ok. The film's a train wreck, but she's not good in it.

Thank you, Loki! And huge thanks for not attacking me again in Risk. Greatly appreciated.

It's not specific to film, but I really enjoy PBS Idea Channel. I think they've done some film stuff, but they cover a lot of tv/social/cultural ground.


Thanks Eric! It's been weird not being around here, so it's great to be back!

Yays all round!

He does have a vegetable garden and showed us a delightful picture of his then 6 month old son holding up a carrot which looked like 2 carrots stuck together!

http:// gur .com/8hrwWk1.gifv (sorry had to put the spaces in, don't know if disqus is still blocking it)

Well, funnily enough, my specialist looks like a bit of a weird hybrid of our very own Janine Restrepo and Tom Haverford.

See, now everyone knows I haven't seen Star Wars …..

Thank you! When I'm fully recovered I hope to understand what's gone on in the Risk games … I repeat BE NICE GUYS I'VE BEEN PRETTY MUCH OUT OF IT FOR 4 DAYS