Dr Regina Phalange

You'd think Kyrgios would've learned to you know, maybe not say anything on the court, but here we go again:

But it has one of the best songs of Community! I still think The Art of Discourse is at that top level, but I see how it could go either way.

You're saying it like it's a bad thing ….

Now that is all that I'm hearing.

Was it that obvious?

Can't believe it's not been linked here but NEW CHVRCHES:

For me, the entire last disc of season 1 is a knockout, which I think is 1x20 - The Science of Illusion - through to Pascal's Triangle Revisited. This is of course in addition to what you've mentioned already, though I'd add 2x17 on to the 2x14 - 2x16 run.

Something that my film tutor said in my tutorial today: 'So to the women of this tutorial, what did you think of the female character?' [The film was Polanski's Knife on the Water.]

Just converted that and dear god, how did you survive?

No deal.

My condolences. Anything over 35 in Sydney and we just don't do anything. In Canberra, we're in a basin so that temperature is more like …. 28?

I would, BUT IT SNOWED!!!!!!! Also, I handled it pretty well. I didn't even need thermals! If you've got any weather over 15 celsius, I'd love it.

I think today might have been the coldest day I've ever experienced. With a high of 7 celsius while I was inside, it was mostly 5, before dropping to 3 WHEN IT SNOWED!!!!!

You have no idea how many times I've read that in comments in response to articles about this.

Yeah. People will still speculate to why they didn't get a long, but at least they can start to move past it.

It was a terrible response to a question that will not stop being asked until there's an answer.

The longer this story goes on, the most I really want to know what happened.

1,350 pounds is a hell of a lot more than I'd pay for … well, anything really. But if I ever were to find a waaaaaaaay cheaper version in a similar style, then I'm there.

I haven't seen the BBC adaptation, but now I'll definitely try and find time to check it out.

Ah, see I watched the film first and then I read the book, which was certainly and interesting experience, but considering the way they adapted it, it was somehow able to maintain its marked linear differences and remain faithful.