
Can we see the one with the bullets next?

Pretty good assumption too.

Can some Heavies expert answer this for me: why don’t large planes, cargo and passenger alike, use cameras to monitor taxing and other parts of the ship that are often hard to see from the cockpit?

Not really. Something bad had to happen so that something good could be done.

4kph faster than the record? Did I read that right? Not impossible but very unlikely from this guy.

You sound balanced and stable.

With all due respect, can somebody define “Spiritual” for me?

Now playing

Here you go, this may make you feel better.

Sadly, they do.

Not a bad idea, except that race cars are expensive and fragile and who pays if all the expensive bits are crushed?

I thought the guy with the beard was pretty good

Police has no way to make a meaningful welfare check if he is being blackmailed or otherwise emotionally restrained by the maid and whoever else is in on this.

Have you heard snails complain about sex?

I have to say that I am happy to see that my simulators have that very issue down path. I can’t count the time I did the same thing on cold tires myself. Only I get to press reset and do it again.

1.5 seconds is an eternity at Laguna.

Besides all the otehr shit, if I remember correctly, the “Magic Wand” actually originated in Egypt.. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure Egypt is not in Europe.

Actually yes. Not so much on a civilian car, but when I started racing simulators my first wheel didn’t have it and I put a piece of tape there myself to see if it gave me more awareness and now I can’t (sim)race without it.

No one commenting on the Martini liveried Godzilla?

Are we sure the submarine didn’t just rust out of existence?

I suggest sandpaper, it’s what I am doing and I am using Siri to write this.