Foxstar loves Bashcraft

He’s a fired man walking and he knows it. What the uni will most likely do is remove him from active classes and square him away until they can find cause to get rid of him for real. Which he knows and expects and i’m sure there’s a lovely grifting talk circuit invite waiting for him when it does happen.

It’s a bundle of lol’s mixed in with the realization of how dangerous her mindset is.


You would think they would understand how bad it looks to have shelled out that kind of money for a house, black creatives or not. But no sort of org is immune to grifters and opportunistic folks, which is why you have bean counters and are 24/7 clear on what they spend donations on from the word go.

You said it better then I could. There’s a reason that performers for ages have always tipped toed, or outright refused to say or do anything that might make Vince annoyed. And that reason has only been reinforced with every rival’s head that Vince collects.

RDO is not seeing the massive stacks of cash that GTAOnline has and continues to see and while Rockstar may have not outright abandoned it, it’s never going to see updates on the level of GTAOnline has. They’ve likely got an update or two in the pipe, but I don’t expect them to be major.

Thank you for correcting me. My mistake.

They care only as long as they make political hay about the ‘baby’ to score easy points with the fucking Evangelistic Christians and Catholics. That’s it.

I’m sure it’s in the works, but likely still not even far enough along to release a teaser with the game’s official font.

They will fine him a few pennies and he will likely rub his slapped hand before doing this same shit in the future. No matter who controls the WH and Congress, there is no fire to go “Fuck, no, you go to federal prison for that shit” to Elon, or anyone like him with that much bank.

I’m waiting for all of the think pieces from gaming sites on how they’ve made peace that they will never, ever even begin to play even 10% of their backlog.

Desantis is Trump 2.0, but far more dangerous. The only thing that might sink him is Trump is not a fan of his, nor does he like seeing Desantis take his entire racist, bigoted playbook and get more done with it.

If it wasn’t for Mitch, the GDP of Kentucky would be in the double negatives. And yet Mitch has the nerve to cry about SNAP and Social Security (When it’s not Kentucky residents getting it) 

Tim, just because your trifling ass father wasn’t around and your mother had pride does not mean you force others into that wild bit of bullshit you had to deal with. But you are just selling the same ‘bootstraps’ bullshit your fellow GOP ghouls love to throw in the faces of everyone who can’t pay the bills by cooning.

If someone does any measure of cooking, even if a apartment doesn’t come with one, fire extinguishers are not that costly and some Fire Departments will not only teach you the basics of using one, but may give you one suitable for kitchen fires outright without cost to you.

If you have enough of it around, or flour, yes. The other easy way is to make sure that whatever you are cooking in has a lid that goes with it and fits snuggly and if a fire stops, slap the lid on and move it away from the heat source.

It’s a Bethesda game. No matter how delayed it is or what platform it’s on, it’s going to run badly. The upside is if you wait three months or so, at least on PC, the modders will have chased down the worst bugs and fixed the biggest issues.

I got EXTREMELY lucky, following one of the more legit trackers on Twitter who said that some Best Buys were getting some, both disc and digital only, but he didn’t have a store list and the Best Buys that -did- get some were directed on the phone to not say boo about it, even when asked.

The ‘quiet’ racists never learn their lesson. Nope, even though the ones before them catch all of that smoke and then some, there’s always another who think they are except and damned quick to turn on the white tears and sob stories when their racism costs them everything.

If they had only taken that view with the 6 years I spent in FF11. The amount of shit you have to have running to have a chance at some of the must-have gear towards the latter half was insane and got only worse when the gil-sellers learned there was way more money to be made by controlling end game HNM’s and the