His stance on education is just as awful. Being a liberal or even a moderate in Indiana these days is a pretty terrible position but everybody acts so surprised like this is a new thing. It's not.
His stance on education is just as awful. Being a liberal or even a moderate in Indiana these days is a pretty terrible position but everybody acts so surprised like this is a new thing. It's not.
I have carefully erected a barrier of gin between myself and this truth right now.
Except for the part where it ripped my heart out with a spoon. A coffee spoon.
Keep in mind that I have a low tolerance for talking in my classroom, throwing things, touching my stuff, and the words "retarded" and "gay" as pejoratives before you make THAT wish.
It was something about his wallet chain.
I don't know if it's the biggest whopper, but it's definitely the most entertaining one.
Counterpoint: washing down girl scout cookies with water is AWFUL.
You know this is a thing you should see a urologist about, right?
I suppose this is all great advice but as I've scrolled through the comments all I can see is people who get frequent UTIs who have not gone to the urologist to get that shit checked out, and I feel like it's a disservice not to mention that this is a problem that a painless if slightly awkward medical procedure and a…
Really? At my sister's school, even with all the crap, it was cheaper than school housing.
The trick (with the panties anyway is to pull them up until they are pretty much over the bottom of your bra. However, I refuse to wear underwear where I need a friend for anything less than a wedding.
I returned it, and I am given to understand that he traded it in towards a ring for the newer, younger model.
I tried a lot of things before I got on the effexor, same deal. But the withdrawal is not ideal, and neither is the dry mouth and my doctor friend mentioned another possibility, so I may be giving that a try. Nervous as hell about it though.
The thing is that each antidepressant is YMMV - I suspect Effexor contributes to my weight gain, but the hell do I know? The withdrawal symptoms are hella common though, and hella unpleasant. I personally, am looking to try something different after a decade and change of it.
Sit down, John!
Good God!
Agree. I've moved to towns where I didn't know anyone for work purposes twice and yelp reviews were super helpful in finding some important stuff, like a clean place do my laundry and the best tacos.
Go home and read a book, kids!
See also: Dear tweens, please stop putting your drug pictures on Instagram.
Orly? This might be a plan, but I was sort of considering fostering children.