
woo rainbow capitalism. 

Fully agreed - I never look at the analog speedo in my BRZ - why is it there? I don’t hate the interior of the car generally - I have a 2014 so I don’t get the steering wheel controls - but things I don’t love: 1) the climate control is slightly awkward so I have to look away from the road to adjust it; 2) that

It’s like Rebecca Sugar exists solely to balance out all the evil in the world.  This isn’t even snark.  She’s fucking amazing.  

I have tried, on more than one occasion, to listen to Nickelback. To give them a good, honest-to-Sagan listen. To give them the benefit of the doubt and figure out whether my dislike of them is solely because of pop culture pressure, or whether I actively dislike their music.

I’m sort of guilty of this - I like shiny things and I’m impulsive, so I buy shiny things unadvisedly. Case in point - I traded in a perfe...a fine...a troublesome but serviceable 2012 GTI on which I had only 2 years left of payments, and I bought myself a sexy 2014 BRZ and treated myself to a shiny new 6 year loan on

cause we’re living in a world of piss...breaking us down...when they all should just let us pee

As an AA airline brat, I have walked many, many miles in that airport over my 40 years on this Earth. I remember when the train was down in the basement, and it was dark, and brown, and rattled. I remember when AA had its own TRAAAIN (now that was actually nice - I could skip the irrelevant gates). Now the tram’s




It took me way too long to pronounce this as “au revoir” and I was like...are Oregon and Washington trying to become a superstate? and what’s the V...or are they fighting?  But yeah WOOO WEEKENDS

Ok, so I have a post-debate candidate list, and there have been changes:

Take all the stars.   Every one.

Oh I won’t.

Synthtastic.  Digging it.  

That initial picture of a hot dog has some red substance on it. I hope it’s not ketchup.

My current favorites:

I know, right?

woo endless patronizing libertarian sermonizing disguised as comedy...can’t wait...

Be thankful you’re not in Oregon, where you see a gas station full of cars and you know there’s only one gas jockey running back and forth to take care of all of them. Bring a book. Or just pump it yourself, eat the jockey’s wrath (there will be wrath), and drive away. You can’t pump your own gas in Oregon, but it’s

Three, sir.