
I hate that song.

Xennial here. I hate that word. Grew up with these books, was at the 9:40pm showing last night. Thought it was creepy and fucked with my sleep last night a little, but I agree that the overall plot took away from the scary of the stories. Without all the kids and Vietnam and yadda yadda, they might have been able to

Um, making Lucifer hot? Not the first show to do that, methinks...

lol this is true.  

Well we don’t all want to live in Los Angeles or Dallas or Chicago or Atlanta, so...whatever.  

A reason I love living in Portland - our airport is like, stupid nice.  We have real local restaurants and bars in there.  I have, on more than one occasion, thought, “maybe we should go to the airport for dinner” and seriously meant it.  

That’s not the thing that’s wrong with this clip. This is.  What’s a dude in his mid-20s doing still playing on a high school football team?  Can these shows not cast people who actually look like the age they are?  Maybe rules don’t allow them to cast actual high schoolers, but I’ll point to Tom Holland as an example

I was JUST TALKING ABOUT THIS MOVIE in the context of this XKCD post: - it’s one of my two that fit the category.  My other one is Equilibrium.  :)

I’m well aware of this and sorry if I came off that way - I was attempting, in my own cis-privileged way, to explain the difference between sex and gender. If I didn’t do that appropriately, then I apologize.  

Yang is the Uber candidate, the Silicon Valley “disruptive” Ted talk bitcoin candidate.  He’s a techno-capitalist asshat and I’d like him to go away.

Smart people and scientists who know shit: Gravity is real.

Hey, Kinja moderators? There’s a lot of nasty hate speech on this topic. I’ve flagged most of it - does that actually do anything? Can we boot these transphobes back to the dark holes from whence they oozed?

I don’t feel comfortable sharing my kid’s history here.  They have a right to privacy.

...was that supposed to be in English?  It really wasn’t.

I don’t need Jesus, although he is kind of a hottie.  I need people like you to stop telling me what I need.  

Kindly go fuck yourself in half and punt whatever’s left into the sun, you hateful trash fire.

Yeah, so?  The 1% deserve respect and rights too.  

Please cite the medical journal you rely on for evidence that three years old is too young for kids to start expressing gender identities. Also, where exactly do you get off telling other parents how they should raise their kids?  This is the clearest case of “nunya” I’ve ever seen.  

So tell me, at what age should we allow children to tell us who they are, instead of forcing them to repress their identities leading to lifelong psychological damage and a likelihood of suicide?